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Sitting for hours to be served in a public establishment.
My attention was drawn to the outside.....making his way
on the inside, a young man. He looked like a prince...he
was fine, so to speak. Yet as he walked past me, it was
evident that he was a prisoner ! There were no shackles
on his feet, nor were there handcuffs on his hands. No
Police Officer was escorting him, he was alone. In fact
he spoke to no one....did not want anyone around him. His
heart seemed broken and betrayed....he was being held
captive to the brokenness of his heart. Then as we crossed
paths...I looked away, not wanting to face what I was seeing.
Instantly came the reality.....I too was a prisoner, who
has been set free ! The pen reminded me of the poem
entitled, A New Perspective.

I was a prisoner of my own making
Chained in sin.
The chains that had me bound were
Fear and torment.
Generational curses held me close;
They were my bosom buddies,
Anger and unforgiveness kept out
The light of day;
Darkness filled my empty soul.
I had no will to live;
And tried to end it all.
The Master divinely intervened.
He said, " My child come to Me,
I love you, let Me take care of you. "
I turned to Him,
And vehemently I wept
Trying still to end it all.
He firmly yet lovingly intervened;
And held me close....He will not
Let me go...He kept me through the
Long dark nights, and took me into
His presence giving to me His word
To feed my hungry starving soul.
His presence satisfied the parched
And thirstiness of my soul.
Then I got it ! Yes, I got it !
He transformed me into His vessel
Giving to me a new perspective.
He revealed to me His purpose
Unavailing the treasures within
To share with others, to bring
Glory and honour to His name.
Yes I now have a new perspective
And that is my life is no longer
Mine. Instead it is hidden in Jesus Christ,
To do the will of the Father !
Truth be known all across the globe in cities, settlements, parks,
out side of buildings. Tattered and torn,hungry men and women of
all ages can be seen walking aimlessly up and down the streets,
staring blankly: some daringly walking into on coming vehicular
traffic, with loud bursts and fits of rages, having to be restrained
, and placed in an institution....."the insane asylum"
being labeled "crazy" but they are being held captive ! Ephesians 6:12 reminds
us (12) " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. " It is time
for the people of Yahweh (you and me) to awaken out of sleep ! We are
not each other's enemy. We have a real enemy and his name is Satan. The
startling truth is Yahewh's people are being held captive too; being
saved but not yet delivered ! You and I may not exhibit behaviour like
these who have been labeled "crazy " We may not be held in an asylum.
Still we as Yahweh's (God's) people, we allow unforgiveness, disobedience,
Doubt, and fear to hold us captive. Then I remembered being locked in a
cage with a gorilla......I awoke it was all a dream ! The unsettling
revelation came....This gorilla could be the way you and I allow the
works of the flesh to become strong holds in our daily lives, rendering
us like a prisoner being held captive in a cage. Yet just as the key was
handed to me in the dream. Abba Father has given to you and to me power
and authority over all demons. Power to cure all manner of diseases.
Luke 10:19 says, " Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any
means hurt you. " There it is resounding again.... just as I accepted
the key, unlocking the door of the cage, and locking the gorilla in. You
must activate the resurrection power with in you to unlock your prison
door, and walk free....but make sure you lock up the strongman who
imprisoned you ! For it it is time to set the captives free ! Jesus Christ
has already paid the ultimate price. John 3:16 confirms this, " For God
so loved the world, He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth
in Him should not perish, but have ever lasting life."

Awake ! Awake ! Put on strength people of Yahweh, let us cast off the works
of darkness, and begin this day to walk in the light. The word is speaking
from the book of 1 John 1:7 reminding you and me, (7) " But if we walk in the
light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the
blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. " It is time to set
the captives free, and Jesus said in Mark 16:17-18 (17) " And these signs shall
follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall
speak with new tongues; (18) " They shall take up serpents; and if they drink
any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick,
and they shall recover. " Question is do you really believe in the finished
work of the crucifixion, the power of the resurrection, the Ascension, and the
work of the Holy Spirit ? The time has come for each of us to take inventory
of our lives. We must ask Abba Father to search our hearts to see if there be
any root of unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger towards those who have hurt
or wronged us ? Now pause for a moment to think about this. Could it be a
possibility that you and I could be an hindrance, and even a stumbling block ?
Could (you and I) Yahweh's (God's) people be keeping the captives from being
set free by the way we live ? The next time you pass a person on the street
who seems to be deranged so to speak. Take some time (me too) and visit the
"diah " ward at the hospital. Think about the greater One Jesus Christ, who
lives within you. He has given you and I power and authority to speak His
word, power and authority to bind the strongman, and take authority over him.
Can't stand to be around the person or persons who hurt you ? Think about all
the captives who need to be set free ! Now let go of all guilt and condemnation,
unforgiveness, pain, and heartache. Confess it all to Abba Father. What a price
Jesus Christ is time to set the captives free, The truth is you could
be a captive who needs to be set free !I was for most of my life....yet did not
know it until I saw from a new perspective. Now my heart sings these lyrics...
they have become a reality.

You changed the landscape of my life
Transforming my heart with Your love.
You changed my I think
Only Your thoughts....You changed
My life, transforming this deceitful out every evil thing.
You changed my life....turning my darkness
Into I am walking to my destiny.
You changed my life...ushering me to my place
In Your kingdom...You changed my life and I will
Never be the same.....You changed the landscape
Of my life !
Allow Abba Father to change the landscape of your life......for it is time to
set the captives free !


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