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Showing posts from January, 2021

The Power of Influence Part Two

Recently there was an unction to pray via the telephone with my sister, who lived overseas. Afterward, she exclaimed, Margaret, that is how Mama prayed! My response was! There was only a memory of her standing at the kitchen, holding the broom, which she had made. Mama awakened before dawn. The delicious aroma of her bread filled the atmosphere, and before sunrise, Mama had completed all her household chores and was prepared to go with my grandfather into the fields to do another day of work. There must have been an exceptional special bond between us, but I was too young to understand. My sister shared Mama’s consistent, persistent, and relentless prayers. Lead to the healing hand of Jesus, to my lifeless body at three weeks old. Mama’s facial expressions had faded.    My Mother, Margaret Gwendolyn nee Hall Spence, after accepting Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour, synchronized about preparing me for the journey. All I wanted to do was to stay on the outside, playing with the other