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Showing posts from August, 2011


Sitting for hours to be served in a public establishment. My attention was drawn to the outside.....making his way on the inside, a young man. He looked like a prince...he was fine, so to speak. Yet as he walked past me, it was evident that he was a prisoner ! There were no shackles on his feet, nor were there handcuffs on his hands. No Police Officer was escorting him, he was alone. In fact he spoke to no one....did not want anyone around him. His heart seemed broken and betrayed....he was being held captive to the brokenness of his heart. Then as we crossed paths...I looked away, not wanting to face what I was seeing. Instantly came the reality.....I too was a prisoner, who has been set free ! The pen reminded me of the poem entitled, A New Perspective. I was a prisoner of my own making Chained in sin. The chains that had me bound were Fear and torment. Generational curses held me close; They were my bosom buddies, Anger and unforgiveness kept out The light o


There are somethings in our lives which causes us great pain and suffering; yet Abba Father refuses to remove them. The Apostle Paul reminds us of this in 2 Corinthians 12:8-9, he says...(8) " For this thing I besought the Lord thrice; that it might depart from me. (9) " And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. " No one knows exactly what the Apostle's affliction was, it is described like a thorn in his life: and as you know a thorn in the flesh really hurts. This affliction caused the Apostle Paul much pain and discomfort. In whatever you or I maybe going through, Abba Father is working out a wonderful transformation in our lives through the crosses we are called to bear. Can you imagine the Apostle, who was a self sufficient man ? Having to deal with such a vexing debilitating problem. He prayed for Abba Father to remove it, but God refused to remove it. Instead He promised the Apostle Pa


Definition of Conspiracy: A joining secretly with others for an evil purpose. Each time you speak a negative word or whisper slanderous accusations, you conspire with the works of darkness. Each time you allow yourself to become jealous over other people's success; you conspire to murder them in your heart.... If you allow envy to reside in the place where the King of Kings and Lord of Lords should sit....Satan and his demons takes full advantage of this, and immediately the conspiracy begins. The enemy is the instigator of the conspiracy, using your envy, bitterness, and an unforgiving heart ! You become party to murdering your sisters, the brethren, and friends, when you speak evil words against them....laying snares of entrapment's and robbing others of what is rightfully theirs. Many have been ensnared unaware, and now lay silent in the grave. Some are still alive....yet are unaware of what is happening to them; all because of the conspiracy to destroy th


Finding it increasingly difficult to breathe, my breath seemed to be getting shorter with each passing day. What was even worse....just to do simple house hold chores was futile. Something was definitely wrong, and I was about five months pregnant. The Doctors confirmed their suspicions. The placenta, which feeds the unborn baby was detaching itself; and was only holding on so to speak by a thread. The Doctors gave the grim report, should this happen, I would bleed internally...both baby and I could die, if not caught in time. They ordered frequent ultra sounds to make sure the placenta remained in tact: While my condition worsened one thing was very certain, and gave me hope. For each time the ultra sound was performed, during the examination, the rhythm of the unborn baby's heart beat was significantly strong.....which spoke to me. I found in the rhythm of the beat these comforting words " Mommy, I am not going to die, I am going to live... mommy you are