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Showing posts from October, 2012


Natural storms and disasters are very devastating and can be likened to somethings you and I experience in our daily lives. Then hearing,"The turbulance is advancing you to a higher dimension." Pausing to reflect on a time while  in the middle of prayer, a great white horse entered the room. In complete astonishment, my prayer language changed, and out of my mouth came these words; "Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords 'To Him who sits on the throne, blessings and glory, honor and majesty to him belongs." The horse stood by me and seemed to be protecting me from something. Immediately after he exited the room these words from the book of Revelation 19:11-16 riveted. (11)"Now I saw heaven opened and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True and in righteousness He He judges and makes war." (12)"His eyes were like a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except H


The gate keeper entered the room at Abba Father’s command and found A prince spirit seated on the couch; however, this did not move the gate Keeper from beginning like the Psalmist David from chapter 100 of the Psalm verse 4 to “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts With praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.” Suddenly almost like A lighting bolt, the prince exited the room, and no wonder the words resounded This time from Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life; in your presence Is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Words cannot Describe His presence. During another time while sitting in the gate, the gate keeper Encountered a wicked spirit, who presented himself big and bold; like a reflex action The gate keeper shifted into warfare mode and as quickly as this spirit had came it Went! Yet something has gone terribly wrong for the gate keeper is hardly sitting In the gate; what a delight to the


While you are walking through some seemingly deep dark waters, The Refuge bids you come into the shelter of His presence. Yes, the mortgage is past due along with every other bill; and you are challenged without and within. Again the Refuge bids you come bruised and battered by the storms of life, tossed and driven by the boisterous waves. At times the waters seem to over flow you, and the billows roll over your head. Sinking beneath the sea the refuge intervenes divinely He calms the raging sea! Through every fiery trial with great intensity the fires consumes everything around you. Yet the refuge keeps you in tact. The refuge extends an invitation to you with specific directions leading you to the path of life. Where is it? Follow His foot steps, the steps of Jesus. They will lead you into the very presence of God. Bringing the refuge of His arms, His protection and His healing balm. Instantaneous transformation into the very likeness of Jesus Christ. Deuteronomy 33:2


Awakening from a deep sleep it felt as if I was in a large place, then I saw Him, he was tall like a giant and in a kneeling position with a fascinating Look on his face. He had been watching me while I slept. He definitely was Not of this world, he looked almost angelic, but there was something un- Settling about him, he reminded me of the sons of A’nak. Then the word Spoke from Deuteronomy 9:2 concerning who the sons of A’nak were. “ A people great and tall, the descendants of the Anakim, whom you know And of whom you know, and of whom you heard it said, who can stand Before the descendants of A’nak?” I was puzzled, what was one of the sons Of A’nak doing looking through my window? The word resounded from the Revised standard version in the book of Genesis 6:1-4 (1)”When men began To increase in numbers on the earth and daughters were born to them,” (2) “The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and married Any of them they chose.” (3)”Th


He was young and ambitious with great plans for the future. He was the one Who carried the bag with the money, he was the treasurer. Secretly though He had big plans for The Master. He thought of how he could get the revolution Started to make Jesus king of it. What a brilliant plan, to betray Jesus into the hands Of the Religious Leaders, who were His arch enemies: that should do it, he thought? He was a bit disappointed though; they would only pay him thirty pieces of silver For His betrayal! Judas loved money and craved for his position in the revolution This was coming so he accepted it. Then just as he turned to leave, a question Was asked, “Since each of you look one and the same; how shall we know Him whom We seek?” Oh replied Judas. “The One whom I shall kiss, He it is.” What a betrayal, and Sealed with a kiss! All went as planned, until they arrested Jesus and it was determined That He would be crucified. Judas was so sorry; this was not what he had