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Showing posts from April, 2013


Some years ago throughout the land there was an awakening among people from every walk of life and they were going in droves so to speak to the house of God for prayer at mid day. Get this, many of them even took their lunch hour just to go and pray! While there are still people who consistently pray during the noon day hour there are far too many of us who have fallen away from high noon prayer.   Question is though, have you (me too) been to busy to take time to pray at this critical hour? Have you allowed yourself (me too) to become distracted or maybe even gotten lazy in prayer? Be it known to you this day high noon can be an opportunity to pray against the mid day curse and the plans of the enemy – read it from the book of Deuteronomy 28:29 NKJV (29) “ And you shall grope at noonday, as a blind man gropes in darkness; you shall not prosper in your ways; you shall be only oppressed and plundered continually, and no one shall save you.” The enemy (Satan) has been la


As you read this Article may you not only be blessed but also challenged! Friend, isn't it something how God will take you to some places that you really do not want to go, and He will open doors for you, yet often times for whatever reason, you may refuse to walk through the door. Do you realize this could be the day He is calling you to cross over your Jordan to posses all that He has promised you? Some years ago while on a trip to Texas as a chaperone for a large group of Youths, I received a telephone call from my younger son, he said, "Mommy, daddy brought you a pet store!" Well, I could not compute that and thought "O he must mean his dad brought me a pet." Little did I know, God, was about to take me on an adventurous journey which would change the course of my life.   There I was owner of a Pet Store named Pet Fetish - Walking in it looking at the animals, turned to my husband and said to him, "No I can't do this!" For wee


Slack not your riding. Keep in pursuit of your destiny, move forward in faith, have no fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says " For God has not given to you the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Take authority over every situation that concerns you. Speak the word of God to them, speak to every dead thing that is laying dormant in your life. The God who gives life, your Creator Jehovah Elohim has given you, power and authority through Jesus Christ, to break down every idol in your life, and to cast out every foe. Make a decision today at this moment, to choose whom you will serve. It is time to stop procrastinating. Yes the time has come to put away lying and having a form of Godliness, yet denying the power of God. The time has come to live holy before God and man. You must stop deceiving yourself, you cannot mask or dress it up anymore, confess your sins to God. With Godly sorrow repent and turn away from every selfish way. The book of James 4:7&


There are unknown Soldiers, who have fought numerous battles for the freedom of so many even though their lives were at stake. So it is in our walk with God, we are in a spiritual battle and Satan is the real enemy. The good news is  God, our Abba Fathe r, is taking care of all of us! Be encouraged as you read.   Many battles have been won by team work following orders in complete obedience. Great Soldiers with brave courage have fought on the front   lines, caring not that their lives were at stake. Yes, there have been many ca sualties and wounded Soldiers, who were left to heal of their wounds by fighting on the front lines to help others their freedom to win. In your walk with God, you are in a battle! No not against flesh and blood but it is a spiritual battle against a real enemy, Satan and his demons. Abba Father has many Prayer Intercessors on the front lines doing battle on their knees, fasting and praying for you. On the front lines, they are continual