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Showing posts from November, 2011


Awakened by His voice being fully aware He was summoning me to the secret place. The most unusual thing happened I could not get out of the sheets....the sheets were actually wrapped around me ! What a struggle to get out....He stood and He did not help me to get out....Determined though to discover Him cover to cover.....Finally, I was free. Then hungering for His word...started reading the book of Genesis then came Exodus, Leviticus....hurrying on went to the book of Numbers. By the time I got to the book of Joshua.....He interrupted me saying...." Come away with Me ". Immediately as I took one step in a split second....Zoom ! In one moment it felt like I went to another dimension.....Awesome, the Logos transformed into the Rehema word stirring my desire to discover Him cover to cover, hungering even more for His word. Then absolutely completely stunned....Where did He go ? Looking all around....He had brought me to a valley...It was not a good


A young woman experiences the loss of her mother, and the pain of being estranged from the only daddy she knew. This young lady's world seemed all so dark. In spite of the darkness, she began to move forward, marrying at an early age to the gentleman who won her heart. Very early in the marriage, her only son then grew gravely ill and was diagnosed with meningitis. In spite of the darkness which seemed to be closing in around her, she kept holding on to hope. praying consistently to Abba Father. Things kept on getting worse. Her second child was diagnosed with a deformity, and the third child suffered from severe seizures. The fourth child ! It seemed almost unbearable for the young woman to see her youngest child not being able to function. What a harsh reality but in spite of the darkness she continued to seek God and to pray. What is so wonderful, this young woman learned to praise and be thankful in spite of the darkness.. Yes, there were times when the darkness seemed too muc


During preparations for a very special wedding...The bride gave instructions putting special emphasis on having a dance floor....." Allotted space " to be able to dance. The big day arrived with everything and everyone in place. Yes, a christian wedding of splendor unfolded.....indeed, a precious moment forever etched in my mind. The bride and the groom walked on to the floor allotted to dance.....without saying a word to each other: these words riveted across the room...."Dance With Me My Beloved ! " The bride and the groom had captured the attention of everyone present. What happened next really blew me away so to speak. Almost everyone present was on the dance floor with the bride and bridegroom leading the way, yet some people were displeased. What a splendid time; a beautiful spirit of fellowship and love filled the room. Dance with me my beloved.....all who heard the call were blessed beyond measure. The word of Abba Father is resounding from 2 Samuel 6:14 for


Murderers are being set free; yet the murder count is rising daily. There is a cry in the spirit realm of mothers weeping for their sons and their daughters; like Rachel weeping for her children. Read what it really says from Jeremiah 31:15 Verse (15) " Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for for her children were not. " Could this be an indicator of how we treat Yahweh (God) ? Could it be an indication of even more evil that has yet to be revealed ? Where are the Gate Keepers, the Prayer Warriors, the Watchers on the wall, the Commanders of the Morning ? Why are Yahweh's (God's) people so silent ? The weeping and agony of mothers has reached Yahweh and He is wroth ! The Breaker has gone up and broken through to bring justice to these mothers and fathers.....Take heed to this warning people of Yahweh.....If you and I continue to remain silent at this time who knows li