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Showing posts from September, 2010


NOTE: We often take for granted the people who God places in our lives, and we fail to tell and to show them that we care....we put it off. Today, make it a priority to show someone you care while they are yet alive, for soon or later they will be gone! Do it now! May this poem, challenge and inspire you to make a difference in the lives of people, whom you cross paths with each day in this life! Be blessed as you read! In this life impact someone Who have lost their way. Show some love and kindness Share a smile or speak words Of compassion and love. In this life many are hurting, And hearts are being broken in Many pieces, give of your time, Gifts, and talents! Call someone, tell them how much you care, And that you are near. Visit someone today who maybe at home Or in Hospital! Show your enemies some love too! In this life make a difference For soon or later you will be gone, And only what you do for Jesus Christ Will last! In this life make it count that You were here on planet e


In the book of Jeremiah chapter thirty-eight, God rescued and divinely delivered Jeremiah from the evil schemes and plots to take away his life. God your Heavenly Father will rescue you! Declare in the name of Jesus Psalm 118:17 that, " You shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord." Third John 3 verse 2 says, " Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." Yes your foes are many and they hate you with cruel hatred. They are inside and on the outside, yet they cannot harm you nor your family. God has rendered every work of darkness null and void. The enemy is powerless to operate against you, you are the victor in this battle. Make a declaration at this very moment that in Jesus name your frustrations and failures are over. You are walking into a season of progress and success. Your enemies have become your foot stool. Yes Abba Father has shifted every thing. Those who taunted and made fun of you, yes tho


The pain of separation comes in different degrees, yet the pain is still the same. A young man and lady preparing to leave home for college abroad. The little boy that gets into the wrong bus, he momentarily feels the pain of separation. in a crowded room with fun and laughter....there you are telling your jokes, drinking with the boys! Yet no one is receptive to you. You experience the pain of separation. Husband and wives share the same bed, but they turn their backs towards each other feeling the pain of separation, they tolerate each other. The pain of separation is a horrible pain that no pain killers can heal. There are no bandages to put on it, it really hurts! only God our Abba Father can heal the pain of separation. How ? You may ask. Purpose in your heart today to surrender the situations that you are experiencing through the pain of separation to the Lord:release the pain and let go of the person or persons. Place them in your Heavenly Father's Hands, He will take care o


Oh the splendor of His presence and the joy of knowing Jesus. Yes you discover renewed strength and courage, and an abundance of the Father's Love is being bestowed upon you right now. For you have been through so much, and the continued assurance of access into the very presence of Abba Father: away from the ravages of the enemy it is so refreshing! Satan and his demons cannot enter into this place. The Almighty God Jehovah El Roi, He can see through the darkness and into the light, nothing surprises Him. So continue to pursue even harder after your Abba Father: for you must get to the next dimension. Your strength is being renewed and courage is awakening from within. For your greatest tragedy, heartaches, and pain is what will birth out your purpose, and catapult you to your divine destiny. It is of utmost importance though, for you to always remember that God your Father is faithful, and He will not put on you more than you can bear. Stay in the place of prayer so you will be a