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Showing posts from December, 2010


As we come to the close of another year filled with triumphs and the agony of defeats, sickness, pain, and heartaches. Enduring storms, hurricanes, with some severe tornadoe conditions in our lives. Yet we are still here, and in many ways we can be likened to A Thorn ed Rose! Pause for a moment....take a deep breath in, now breathe out....yes exhale! Begin at this moment to give Abba Father thanks even in the midst of all you have been going through: for it is He who has kept you strong. You may not have what you want, but He has given you all you need to sustain you and your family. Through out the year, there were times you thought you did not have anymore strength left to go on: yet you experienced in your moments of weakness, His grace and strength......He kept you! Your losses have been great, almost everything is gone: with a void you feel for Dear loved ones who have passed on. Words cannot express, nor can anyone bring you comfort as this year comes to an end. In spite of how y


Christmas is just days away, but for many there will be no Christmas tree in the living room or any presents to put under the tree. The truth is Christmas is not about having a Christmas tree with presents. Have you thought about how you can make a difference in some body's life not just at Christmas time ? Sharing and caring daily ? Praying persistently for someone Else's breakthrough ? What about, if you have not already done the best gift of all this Christmas: confessing Jesus Christ as your Saviour and, inviting Him into your heart to be Lord of your life ? During these most difficult and trying times God is faithful, and all around the Globe, especially here on the Island of Grand Bahama: The hand of God can be seen sustaining, empowering, and changing lives during this Christmas time. Many of us are still in the valley of our lives at this Christmas time. Yet God is working out every situation and circumstances for our good! Please allow me to share this po


NOTE: As you go through the grief of sorrow and experience the toils and challenges of this life. May the Lord give to you a quite strength to endure, and bring you out victoriously! Be blessed and encouraged!!! Pain ripped through my upper spine Muscles tightening, grimacing in pain Trying to raise up from the chair.... Praying to Abba Father to take away The pain. Then instantly an even more severe pain Came like no other aching In the heart caused by bitter angry words Piercing through the heart like the ripping Pain in my upper spine only with more intensity. Reminding me if I am not open to forgive, Seeds of bitterness and hurt will take root To render the heart cold and unloving! Please Heavenly Father keep me humbly at Your Feet in humility with Your strength and grace To turn the other cheek to display Your Love! Still my tongue too Oh Lord especially during Adverse times, that the radiance of Your Countenance would be seen upon me. For You love a quiet and a


The hair relaxer needs the activator to straighten the hair, but without the neutralizing shampoo which stabilizers the hair: the relaxer would be ineffective. Without the nurture and care of loving godly parents, most children would not have stability. Mothers and fathers are a stabilizer in our lives. On the road to you divine destiny, you may become frightened to the point of being helpless. Yet the stabilizer visits you! reminding you that He is the Great Shepherd. Bringing to mind Psalm 23:4 which says, " Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. " During those times when death seems to over shadow you, and the doctors have done all that they can do. The stabilizer comes and not only comforts you, but He brings healing and restoration to you. When you are going through what seems like the backside of the desert, having no one to care or even to talk to. When life's s


NOTE: There is a cry that emanates from the depth of heart broken mothers and fathers, weeping for the loss of their sons and daughters...the summons has been served! It is time to stop all the violence and the sin of lawlessness in our land! People every where it is time to PRAY! PRAY! May this poem challenge and inspire you to receive THE SUMMONS! An urgent cry is heard It is through the work Of the Holy Spirit moving Throughout the earth serving The Summons to every prayer warrior, intercessor. The Commanders of the morning, And all the gate keepers Of the cities and Islands. Awake! Awake put on strength Put on the whole armor of God. Be sober and alert...the summons Reads in bold red letters, " It is Time to Pray! pray! Pray! cry aloud to The Lord! Weep and travail for Our sons and our daughters! Pray for the lost and undone! Pray for more love and compassion. The Summons reads....pray for Boldness and to be an effective Witness for Jesus Christ. Pray for Salvation, Healing,