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Showing posts from June, 2010


While you are speaking kind words To others and doing a good deed! While you are being a friend to Someone in need, extending a helping Hand to feed! While you are praying and interceding For others, praying for their Breakthroughs! While you are doing all of these things And even going beyond! God Himself through Jesus Christ is making intercessions For you. He is speaking kind words about You. God Himself is breaking through on Every side for you, calling you His friend. NOTE: While you are going through what seems like the worst times in your life may the Lord empower and strengthen you, to continue to sow seeds into other people's lives: so that your meal and oil will never run dry! There is an abundant harvest, it is yours to claim, if you will remain faithful in your walk with Him! While you are waiting keep holding onto His unbreakable promises! God bless you and keep you sweet, while you wait for Him! Be encouraged, and have a safe and productive day: this and every day!

BREAK FREE!!!!!!!!!

A young woman who is mother to a special needs young girl found herself struggling very hard as her daughter tried to break free! The young girl said very plainly to her mother, "Mommy let me go by myself to the candy store to get a pop-sickle" Now even the store was not far away, the mother could not bring herself to let her go. Well it just so happened that two people saw and heard this scene unfolding, intervening from where they were standing they shouted out. "You can see the building let her go! " Sure enough the mother had to let her go, only to realize that she was doing her daughter more harm than good, by not allowing her to break free on her own. In your walk (me included) with God there are some people and things you must break free from, in order to soar to your divine destiny. Men of God there are some women from your past you must break free from let them go! You too Anointed women of God, you have some men from your past it is time to break free from


Life is a journey into the unknown, yet if you will remain faithful in your walk with God. He will give to you with each new day strength to go a little further. Yes, there will be some days when you will feel the weight, and not only your back may hurt, but your whole body maybe ravished with pain. Yet in your most agonizing moments He will give to you enduring strength to go a little further. May this poem bring to you comfort and inspiration, for you are not alone! Be assured Jesus walked this same way before, and He went a little further for you! My back aches..... Beginning to feel The's Heavy..just at this Moment flashes A picture of Jesus As He prayed in His Most agonizing moments.. He went a little further. Yes a little further Brought Him to the place Of total surrender to Abba Father! A little further I must go to get To that place of total Surrender...give me Oh Lord the endurance O Your strength to go A little further! Give to me humility And Your grace to st