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Showing posts from July, 2010


Honey, I'm home! How was your day ? I'm so glad you are home! A warm embrace, a tender moment. Yes these are a few impressions but where did love go ? Now a days it's more like, "He reach". You maybe thinking, "Lord help me to go home to this nagging woman." or it maybe like a grunt or hardly a word spoken. No hugs, no smiles. Where did love go ? The honey moon seems to be over, now there is, " no honey on the moon." so to speak, and you may not know the last time you saw the moon! Where did love go ? Do you remember the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour ? You were all excited and filled with zeal for the Lord. Just as you were on your wedding day, but where did love go ? Your passion for Jesus Christ has diminished. You hardly ever pick-up the Word to study and meditate on the scripture anymore. You don't pray like you used to pray either. When was the last time you took to the streets, to share the good news of Salvat


Hearts are heavy and many are in distress. Yet the Savior beckons you to still go on even in the midst of your circumstances and situations. Yes as you enter via prayer and His Word, groanings that cannot be uttered are heard but with a made up mind and a determination, you are destined to win. For you see while what you are going through may seem almost unbearable. The truth is, those groanings that cannot be uttered are birthing pains. The sleepless nights, walking the floor, laying out prostrate before God. The anguish of much pain and sorrow. The disappointments, the pain of rejection, and great persecution during some messy situations. Groanings that cannot be uttered are giving way to a beautiful stable, steadfast, unmovable ministry for the glory and honor of God. Yes you have been in labor with these groanings that cannot be uttered for a long time. Right now this is a crucial must continue to follow God's instructions step by step. Do not divert, nor go seeking


These are lyrics to a beautiful song reminding you and me to saturate our people, nation, and indeed the world with prayer! Be blessed and may you too be challenged to pray like never before! I need to saturate this place with prayer I need to saturate this place with prayer Kneel on my knees pray continually..... Saturate this place with prayer. I need to saturate this place with prayer And lay prostrate....I need to saturate this Place with prayer. I need to sound the alarm that Your coming is soon It could be at noon..... yet no one knows I need to saturate this place with prayer. I need to saturate this place with prayer Climbing higher with each prayer I pray I need to saturate this place with prayer. Saturate with prayer and the word to occupy The land....impacting souls for the Kingdom Of God I need to saturate this place with prayer! Saturate this place with prayer....saturate this Place with prayer!


Go get your husband...where did he go? Did he step out on you? Is he ever home? Do not go ghetto...stop telling him about his bad ways and about that "Jezebel or even the other man." Go get your husband...look a little closer it is not "Jezebel or the other man," that has your husband. Satan is the master mind behind this sinister plot to destroy your marriage. Go get your husband from out of the enemy's camp... what is this woman talking about? may be your response. Yet if you would this day forgive your husband and let bygones be bygones. Yes if you let go of the pain, and allow God to heal you, His abundant love and compassion would flow through you to reach your husband. Then you would see from God's perspective how urgent it really is for you to go and get your husband..go get him, not from out of Jezebel or the other man's hands, but out of the clutches of Satan. How? Get on your knees and consistently pray for him without ceasing. Every time you w


NOTE: You may not understand why you are going through what you are experiencing: but be comforted in this, God will show to you the complete plan, He will not fail you. Yes He will give you grace in every trial, and endurance to stand in the midst of adversity. May this poem not only challenge you, but it is my prayer that you also be inspired to take your place seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus! Be blessed as you read! I did not understand the complete plan Why the burdens get so heavy, nor why You allow such pain and anguish. I did not understand the depth of Your Love, Nor why You hold me so close. I did not Understand why all this humiliation and suffering. Now! A new day has dawned and I see the complete plan, Seated in my place of authority in Heavenly places in Jesus Christ. I have power and authority over all the powers of darkness, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against me! Now I see the complete plan. No more! No more! The time has come to take back all the