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May this poem bless and encourage you to hold on in all that you are going through! God is fighting for you! Stand still and allow Him to, work out each situation! Trust Him! If you can show love, And not retaliate, On your beloved, Who continues to, Manipulate and control! If you can display, God's Love when it, Seems as if all hell Assails you! If when you feel as if, You have come to the end, Of your rope and it seems, As if your blood begins, To boil! If you can remain calm, And forgive and still, Show love in the midst, Of your hurt and pain! If you can do this Jesus Christ has the reigns to, Your heart and you are a, Vessel chosen by your Heavenly Father to bring Glory to, His name! P.S. As you begin this new year, may the Lord grant to you renewed strength and courage for each day! My prayer for you is that God your Father will prosper you and give to you good health, with new beginnings for you and your family!


Life's painful experiences are really teachers for your learning, to bring you to the realization that discipline and integrity are the order of the day. What a price you pay for every indiscretion. There is a price to pay for every careless mistake. Yes the pain seems greater than you can bear. Yet the comfort of the word rings out from Proverbs 3:5-6 Which says "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding." (6)" In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path." You now realize the folly of putting your trust in people and in things. O the folly of being careless and trusting in your own intellect. With much regret and the wish you could go back and undo what has already been done! Despair and depression now surrounds you, hope begins to flee away. Just at a moment's glance, the warm and welcoming presence of your Abba Father surrounds you, bringing comfort and strength to you. Enlightening you with the un

Beautiful Flower

Beautiful flower, Budded multiplying, Working tirelessly, With her hands. She grew in her faith, In God and in the word, She did meditate. She blossomed with a Compassionate heart, Of love with a gift, So potent each time, She baked her bread, And pastries which she, Sold to others. As soon as you ate, Of her dainties you desired, more! People came from miles, And miles just to partake, Of her bread. Even from far across the seas, People requested and made, Their orders too! Beautiful flower had a gift, So potent that yes even, The little children would, Assemble in her shop and call Her Mama! What a beautiful flower, Yet she was a stern and a no, Non sense person! She was a , Disciplinarian. When she would, Cut her eye and give you that look. You knew that you were doing or saying Something wrong and quickly you, Repented! Beautiful flower had that much Influence! Beautiful flower flourished, In being a virtuous woman, Filled with the Wisdom of God. The fruit of the her womb, Is a tes


Francis and Jean with Wilma following came and devastated many lives, destroying many homes. Leaving an after math of devastation, yet in the midst of it all we learned perseverance, and how to care about our neighbors and become our brother's keepers again. After the storms people from every walk of life could be seen helping their neighbors. People cooked and went tirelessly about making sure that the hungry were fed, every essential item was supplied. People talked much with each other with visitations following. That Christmas having a tree with presents under it was not important actually people were just giving God thanks for sparing us yet another time. Now Christmas is all but here and it seems that we have forgotten to go and seek out our neighbors. When we cook we do not seek out the hungry like how we used. Telephone calls well we have become so busy, the calls have almost become nil. God our Abba Father is so merciful and forgiving, He is unctioning each of us especia


In His tender care, He dries my every tear, Comforting me with His Word. Lifting me to heights like the eagle bird, Soaring high above the mountain terrain, To receive the latter rain. In His tender care, to blossom and to grow, Into the river flow, Filled with His Love, And harmless as a dove. Yet infused with His Wisdom, Empowered from on high, To do Kingdom Business. In His tender care, I am loved and protected! There is no place that, I would rather be than, In Your tender care!!!! Note: May The Lord keep you safely abiding under His Wings Of His Divine Protection, where no one can harm you! May His Peace be always with you. Enjoy your day today!!!!


A family hunkered down as the brunt of the storm hit! and darkness filled the land. Suddenly there was water in the living room, as a wind chill swept in and to every one's dismay the board that protected one of the front windows had fallen off. Now the strong forceful winds threatened to lift off the roof. The moment of truth came the husband knew that he and his sons had to go outside in the the darkest hour, because his whole family was now in grave danger. Someone just tragically lost a loved one and is facing the darkest hour and there are no words that could bring comfort. The Doctor may have just given you the grim news, which may seem like a death sentence. The husband who does not love his wife anymore, and the the entire family structure seems to be crumbling it may feel like the darkest hour. In your walk with God you have been faithful yet you are going through your darkest hour. Instead of things getting better it seems to be getting worse. You have prayed and fasted y


In the middle of a telephone conversation, with one of my sisters....Listen! Can't you hear it! I said. She responded...... Listen to what? Listen stillness! Listen to the peace! and it is not because the house is quite either!...... Listen and you will hear it too...... It is exhilarating my whole being! What is replied my sister? Listen....It is God's peace which, surpasses all understanding! Keep listening as you yield all of self will to Him! The One who called you from your mothers womb! Listen it is He who will usher you to your place of destiny!!!!!! Give Him Praise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note: As you go about your busy day, take a moment to listen for your Heavenly Father's Voice and allow Him to lead and guide you, through this and every day. Listen and you will hear Him speak to you! Have a good and a productive day!


Fruits and vegetables are a very essential part of your diet, and are vital for good health. Looking very beautiful on the table ready for consumption. Yet these fruits and vegetables had to go through the process, it all started with seeds. The seeds had to go into a ground, soil had to be prepared to receive the seeds. Cultivation and full growth had to take place in order to partake of the fruits and vegetables. Every expectant mother must go through the process of carrying her unborn child to term or as close as possible, that a healthy baby may be born. The process is not all pleasant, yet when the baby is born there is great rejoicing. In your walk with God you too must go through the process of being refined by your Heavenly Father, through a process called purification, where the heat is turned up in your life, through trials and temptations of every kind. This process is called the Refiners fire, where the work of the flesh is consumed. Godly character, integrity and morality


I felt so sick, my body ached in pain, managed to make, it to my bed! and as I lay there, seemed to drift off, to sleep..... Unsettling presence, in the room.... then I saw His feet! and only His feet! Afraid? ... No! Actually His feet, brought a healing presence, for His feet was pierced, for me! Then I awoke hours later, feeling stronger and so, much better! Yet the picture of His feet, will not leave me. In awe I am so thankful, for His healing presence. His feet brought healing transformation! Thank You Lord! I want, to sit at Your feet and, learn more! Note:In this life you may go through many afflictions and sickness of various kinds the word of God is so very comforting and reassuring. Isaiah 48:10 says "Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." Then the Psalmist David comes along in Psalm 103:3 reminding you saying "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;" Then Jeremiah 17:14


All of my sins which were many, and with all the money in the world, I could not pay are now all cancelled. Every addiction is cancelled! harnessing every wild passion, and bringing into alignment every, body function! Yes emotions are, now stable with soundness of mind! Jesus Christ of Nazareth paid all, the debts that I owed and pardoned, me and you, when He died on the Cross, and rose triumphantly! Automatically upon acceptance cancels, all negativity! I receive His Free Gift! Will you? NOTE: Please allow me to leave these encouraging words with you! Remember all of the years you suffered the pain of sorrow, you may still be going through at this very moment. Good news God your Father is stepping in right now, healing and comforting you! Remember all the nights you stayed awake and cried, you prayed you fasted and is still faithful and not giving up, good news I tell you all of your debts have been cancelled, the debt you owed and could, not pay is paid in full today! The favor of G


I was invited to a feast, fit for a princess. The table prepared elegantly, with healthy delights, to strengthen the body. A woman of wonder, and of grace spoke, so softly of her appreciation, for God had just worked, a miracle in her life..... she continued this is such a fellowship with you here today! Then I saw within her..... the love and compassion of Jesus! It was an honor and a time of refreshing, to be in the company of such a great woman, of such meekness yet elegance that, with every word she spoke, I heard His voice...... through this yielded vessel! It was as if He was saying, " Daughter you are mine, and this is how much I love you, I am honoring you today!" A unique woman so touched am I, by her love and devotion for the God, that she serves! Yvonne Hield a mighty woman of Valour, Thank You Yvonne!!!!!!!


Down in the dungeon of despair, a lonely heart lives, settling for mediocrity, with very little expectancy. Living for many years not knowing your purpose nor the God who loves, and cares for you losing hope, with each passing day. Wait! there is a ray of hope, for there is light! Yes it is shining, into the dungeon of despair! Yes! The spirit within leaps, for your Heavenly Father has just, given to you the master key that, unlocks the dungeon door. Empowering you to get up out of that dungeon, of despair!!!!! Divine Rescue by God's Divine Hand, come on give Him praise!!!!!!!! P.S. Get up! the struggle is over, you are free!!!!!!


For the past few years all around the world, nations are rebuilding their cities and communities. There has been catastrophes of every kind, tidal waves, earth quakes, hurricanes and storms. Deadly fires have ravished and destroyed homes and forests. Airplanes are crashing with hundreds of people on board, and the after math has been devastating, many have lost their worldly possessions, yet their lives are still in tact. In your walk with God at first you are excited and filled, with zeal! daily reading the word, praying and fasting faithfully. Some how along the way all zeal has now fizzled away, and you are not enthused about spending time in prayer. You are not reading, neither studying the word anymore. Fasting? It is not even on your list of priorities anymore. Anger, bitterness and resentment now surround you. Suffering so much with one devastating blow after the other. Love ones have been taken away. home and vehicle has also been taken, and if that was not enough your only in


We have a date, with admission, that I miss you so much! Being busy going, and doing so many, other things yet, as this day ends, we have a date! The moment you awaken me eagerly, I will meet you at, the meeting place. For it is there that, you renew and give to, me your strength! We spend hours together, yet you are more than, a date! In fact you have become, a lifestyle! a way of life, I must spend even more time, with you! For your love refreshes, my soul and being in your, presence makes all the, difference!!!!!!


I will not fear, though all hell assail, for God has given me courage to stand! I will not fear, for the Lord is on my side, and I shall not be denied! I will nor fear intimidation, nor the pain of rejection! I will not fear the liars, nor be deterred by dream killers! I lay claim to God's promises. I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who strengthens me! Romans 8 I shall over come! I will not fear, for I am victorious, in this battle! Jesus Christ is leading, in this fight! I will not fear, for I now can actually, see victory! The Lord Himself is with me therefore, I will not fear!


Sitting in a state of despair and despondency, with all around you seeming to be falling apart, with no hope in sight. You have been in this way for a very long time! Yes you have prayed and fasted, you have stood on God's word. Yet rejection, ridicule and pain you have endured. Even your very own have risen up against you. Friends have plotted wickedly against you and are praying for your demise. The loving Father firmly, yet lovingly says "My child the Savior Jesus Christ have already walked this road before you, and now because He was triumphant! You my child must get up out of despair and despondency. For you are victorious in every circumstance in your life. Very quickly a transformation of the word germinates the seed of the word, and hope comes alive! Immediately you emerge through the power of Jesus Christ, who has been reinstated on the throne of your heart, disintegrating despair and despondency. Restoring life, joy and peace within, bringing about a wonderful change


In the midst of adversity continue to seek for the presence of Abba Father. Weapons of heavy artillery are being hurled at you from every angle. It is time to open your spiritual eyes and see from God's perspective all that the foe has stolen. Look through your spiritual eyes and see the strategies that God your Father is giving you to intercept the plans of the enemy: While you are going through the greatest struggle of your life! In the midst of adversity standing firm in your faith in Abba Father, for healing of your body. Restoration for your marriage and deliverance for your children. The fires are raging in your home, and on your job. Yet you are challenged to stand! and during these times of adversity there have been times of weakness and great despair, but look! Now comes The Chief Commander Jesus Christ! waving the Victory Banner! Jolting you back on track. You have this assurance that absolutely nothing shall be able to separate you from the Love of God, which is in Chris


I grow weary and there are times, when I feel like giving up! Yet each time I grow weary it is, when I did not spend time in the word, and missed my appointments in the secret place of prayer! Abba Father You are so forgiving, You still beckon me to come into Your presence, where You renew my strength and give to me courage to continue on! Now I understand that each time, I grow weary I can find Refuge in You my Abba Father!!!!


I held this little boy's lifeless body in my arms carried and laid him on the couch. Then travailed in prayer for him, and God healed, and breathed life into his body. He is no longer a little boy in a few days he will marry his true, love Tamika. Be blessed as you read this poem and remember to God be all the Glory! The little boy that I held in my arms, is no longer little he has taken a leap, of faith! Yes in a matter of days he will marry his true love......but wait he makes, a proclamation! "I must be true to God, and then with Him at the helm my marriage will last." Alas! Alas! came cries from others..... too young they said! Then he replied, too young you say! "In Christ there are no restrictions, no age limits for I can do all things through Him! I will stand, and with my wife we will triumph over every foe! Too young you say! let me tell you Youth, is the time to serve the Lord! What a joy to see my little boy become a man for God! My little boy! My baby boy


I am Yours and I understand, that nothing can separate, Your Love from me! Shall persecution, famine or pestilence? Your word tells me that not even death, can separate us! I am Yours, and oh extravagant is Your Love! I am Yours the apple of Your eye, fearfully and wonderfully made, by You. I find great comfort, and joy in knowing that I am Yours! Your word has transformed my life, and I am Yours! Faithfully I will, serve You for I am Yours to do Your, perfect will!!!!!


Protest not with placards, pacing up and down the streets, in anger shouting out loud angry, words over the many injustices, on the job and in this Country! Protest the Doctor's grim report! Protest against those rebellious, young adult children! Protest those, painful situations and circumstances, in your home! Protest not in rowing and frustration, instead protest by standing up against, the Kingdom of darkness! Get up out of, that bed of slumber and get on your knees, cry out to God your Father! Protest in prayer about your job situation, and the injustices that are taking place in the land! In prayer protest through the word! Remind your Heavenly Father of His word for your life is hidden in Christ Jesus, and nothing or, no one can harm you! Protest in prayer I tell you and soon you, will see the walls of injustice crumbling, keep on protesting through prayer the Doctor's report will be deemed null and void! Protest daily for it is a continual process, yet the dividends are


Sometimes in all of our lives, there comes a time when your heartaches and pain over whelms your entire body, and you are not able to speak not even one word. Yet it is at this very moment that He, your Heavenly Father intervenes without any words spoken! Be blessed and encouraged as you read this poem, with the understanding that God your Father is the God of the impossible! We spoke no words, yet You drew me with Your love and held me close! For I lay wounded broken and discarded, "no hope for you some said" others just mocked, and scorned! We spoke no words, and yes I felt Your love and the brightness, of Your presence radiates my soul causing me to long, for You even more! We spoke no words, healing my wounded, broken spirit we spoke no words, raising me up in Your resurrection power. We spoke no words, yet I feel the warmth of Your Love, even with no words spoken, O Lord Your presence, is all that I need!!!!


Definition Of Lint: Bits of loose threads fluff etc. The question is: have you ever put a garment into the washer with a load of clothes, having a feeling that it could spoil the whole wash, but you take the risk anyway hoping that it would be okay. The washer has just completed its cycle of washing and rinsing. Now with great anticipation examining the clothing, you discover that the whole load of clothes is filled with lint. Some of the clothing are not able to be worn anymore, because of the lint that is all over them, immediately you remove the faulty garments and redo the whole wash. Most of the wash is restored, yet some are not fit to wear. A lesson is learned here and that is, do not take short cuts in doing the laundry, and some clothing are to be washed separately so that the clothing will be lint free. We sometimes allow sin to invade our lives, just as that one piece of clothing spoiled the whole wash, causing lint to spoil the clothing. Sin in our lives is like lint on clo


The reminiscence over encountering You and the wonder of it all, there are no words that can describe it! Your promise to visit me again and with delight I await You yet sometimes it seems as if You are taking too long, that is when Your word resounds very profoundly in my ear, reminding me to wait patiently for You for You will show up! Oh Lord I prayerfully await You looking forward to a time of refreshing I await You!!!! Note: Sometimes it may seem that God your Heavenly Father has forgotten all about you, but He has not He will show up right in the midst of what you are going through. May the Lord give to you endurance to go through and be faithful to Him in spite of what you are experiencing at this present time, be encouraged and have a blessed day!!!!!


The road is long and the journey is treacherous. Yet the call to obedience rings out loud and clear. You must walk this road alone with Jesus by your side. The nights will be long and you will experience ridicule and rejection, even from your very own for the call to obedience comes with a price. Yet the dividends and the splendor of His presence are of a far more lasting value. Answering the call to obedience is bringing you into the light of your destiny, come on and give Him Praise!!!!!!!! P.S. Today take some time to rest, and enjoy your day!!!


Body feeling weak and drained getting weary Father, for the journey has been long! Very quickly up speaks the Word "It is a walk of faith and it is not how fast you run my child, it is that you endure to the end." Strengthen me then Abba Father with endurance to run on, and for sure Abba Father give me more of your Love in abundance too, and oh Abba Father I almost forgot give me a surplus of your Grace! Strengthen me Abba Father to endure each trial and to stay humble in spite of the pain, so much pain! Strengthen me Abba Father to share the Good News of Salvation, for some have never heard I must tell them that, your Love reaches everyone it does not matter what you have done, or where you have been! Good News I tell you He reached me! I was tried and condemned to die, then He sealed my not guilty verdict and set me free to tell you that, you too can be free even today! Just confess your sins to Abba Father and believe! May Abba Father strengthen you today!!!!!!! Picture Fr


Looking then upon him no beauty did we see, beaten smitten he was humiliated, despised and rejected by His very own Father because he became sin for us, him who knew no sin! At his trial he answered not a word enduring all the slander and the accusations, and still he kept his composure all the while he was being likened to the beautiful rose of Sharon. So humble in spirit with peace and love he was really empowered to serve and serve he did, even in his death on the cruel cross of Calvary and now he lives and reigns victoriously Jesus Christ He is the Beautiful Rose Of Sharon! Will you allow Him to blossom and bloom in your life? in spite of all that you are going through? Will you trust Him to be The Beautiful ROSE OF Sharon in your life? He is waiting for your invitation!!!!!!!! Picture: Google Images From: Stunning Photography, from the site of Rose Of Sharon


The road to your divine destiny is lined with pain the agony of defeat, and rejection. Yet with a clear vision and the mind of Christ you must persevere. There will be times when the pain may seem unbearable, still you must focus on the prize that is just ahead. Remember that Jesus Christ himself is making intercessions for you. It is time to wipe away the tears from your eyes, stop asking "Lord why is this happening to me?" Stop thinking that it is not fair, and still at the same time crying out "Why me Lord?" Look through the eyes of faith for the word of God declares "For we walk by faith, not by sight:" 2 Corinthians5:7 Change your thinking, it is time to put on the mind of Christ and take your place seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The pain will intensify to propel you to your place of destiny. Endure your process, ridicule, shame and the lies that will be told about you. Run on! keeping your focus do not stop to explain, nor to retaliate fo


Wealth and riches are not in the things you possess no! no! It is when you surrender your heart and every area of your life to the perfect will of God. Wealth and riches are truly yours when you become a yielded vessel like Jesus Christ, who left the greatest example of the yielded life! Listen as Jesus cries out in agonizing pain, in the the Garden of Gethsemane "Not my will, but thine be done." No! wealth and riches does not consist of the things of this world alone, it is righteousness, joy, and peace which money cannot buy! Guess what? Because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ, you can have this wealth and riches! Jesus paid the debt you owed, paid in full! This wealth and riches can be your today, just surrender your heart to Jesus! Do it today and you will be abundantly wealthy!!! NOTE: Be still and allow the Lord to speak to your heart today! Picture from Google Images


Take off the garment stained with malice and with hatred, take off the guilt with bitterness and unforgiveness! Take off the shackles that binds your heart to sin and run to the Saviour Jesus Christ, He gave His life making it possible for you to take off every stain of sin! You are free to take off and soar to your destiny! Take off today!!!!!


Bring forth the fruit of your labor work with your hands that which you were predestined to do, many stand to oppose you and the naysayers and dream killers shoot out of their mouths hurtful bitter words against you. Yet being fully armored and equipped their words are reversed onto themselves, the tool of discouragement cannot derail or distract you, for the Great Encourager Himself is by your side. Now comes the Great Commander Jesus Christ He has already won this battle, it is time for you to bring forth. Laboring in prayer and in travail walking the floor and interceding for lost souls and for the wounded to be made whole, with sinners being converted. Bring forth the beautiful ministry birthed out of pain! it is worth it to be used as His instrument to bring forth pure gold having been tried in the fire being tested and is now approved bring forth and continually pray!!!! Picture From Google Images


Down in the depth of the pit there is a stirring and an awakening! the very thing that brought you so low has now shifted. The dirt and the filth is changing into what looks like white rocks. The compassionate Hand of God is birthing out the many gifts within you at the bottom of the pit. The awakening stands you on your feet and places an instrument in your hands, God your Father unctions you to work the dirt that has brought you to the depth of the pit, and you are working it. You are emerging from the pit of darkness and despair! You are out of the pit but the enemy claims that you still belong to him yet he is completely denied, for he finds none of him in you! You are dead to every- thing that is his, and your life is now hidden in Jesus Christ! Emerging from the pit bringing hope and healing to people all around the world! To God be all the Glory! you are free and have become His instrument peace and love!!!!! Drawing By Aaron Hanna Jr


Remembering at age seventeen the night we met! It had to be destined for me to travel another route home, and stop off to the little convenient store. As I opened the door there you were, sparks flying all across the room. Then you extended your hand to me, introducing yourself and when your hand touched mine, it set off such an explosive reaction! Instantly I knew you were the one for me. You were much older but that did not matter! We have been through many, many storms and lived in the low valleys for awhile. Yet our love has stood the test of time. We have argued a whole lot and have been angry at each other, yes we have wronged each other too. Yet at the end of each day, we sure did settle it! and oh did we! We have both passed through the valley of the shadow of death. Still our love has stood the test of time. And after all these years I'm still in love with you! I see us climbing mountains together soaring to new dimensions, soaring to our divine destiny, and becoming a for


To give birth is not the greatest achievement in life. For God is the Giver of life! Instead to nurture and mentor someone their purpose to fulfill is the greatest of life's achievements. For it is when you and I begin to see the treasure that God has placed inside each broken wounded vessel. With compassion, pouring the oil of forgiveness, a process of healing begins. Setting each person free through the healing power of Jesus Christ, each person is empowered by their purpose to fulfill. To experience oneness and true joy of happiness bringing about a wonderful change, you must nurture and mentor each life, whose path you have crossed. Reach beyond the call of duty and mentor the precious gift of life with each person, their purpose to fulfill. For your Heavenly Father will reward you beyond measure and you too will experience the true joy of happiness!!!!!!


Had I not experienced the valleys I would not have climbed the mountains. Had I not experienced the turbulent storms of life. I would not know that You are my Refuge and strength. Had I not had sickness and pain. I would not know that You are the Great Physician. Had I not fallen I would not have known that Your Grace is enough, and that Your Strength empowers me in my weakest moments. Truly had I not encountered disappointments heartaches, and rejection. I would not have even known that You gave Your only Son Jesus Christ to die in my place. So now I know that because Jesus Christ lives. I can face each challenge, knowing that I shall emerge victoriously! Had I not known my living here on planet earth would have been in vain!


There are days when the pain seems too much, and I take on the burdens of the day! And cry out in anguish..... but before I can speak a murmuring word. He holds me very gently and says " you are mine and I love you, ' have you forgotten that there is a balm for your healing? Burdens were not made for you to carry! Holding me even closer In awe of Him! I completely surrender to His will. For I must reach my destination and I am so glad He won't let me quit!!!!


God's love reaches beyond protocol interrupting every existing order, and erasing protocol. For souls are crying out for the living God, to step in their situations. The aching hearts of mothers are being torn apart, by their wayward children. Yet their love is still in tact for each child. Far too many marriages are being severed by the cruel hand of the enemy. Yes people of every nation are crying out for the true and the living God. God's presence removes protocol just to answer the souls that are crying out to Him. Back on the side protocol, the Comforter is here to mend each broken heart. Protocol the Repairer of the Breech is stepping into every broken marriage, bringing restoration and complete oneness. Protocol you must never try to manipulate or control what God is doing. For every time you do, God's presence will destroy your agenda. " And the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to


" Arise shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. " (2) " For, behold the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. " Isaiah 60:1-2. The time of your promotion is here! The table is being spread right now, you shall see it with your very eyes, the manifestation of what God your Father has prepared for you! Yes in abundance the blessings of the Lord will follow you. Your store house is over flowing. Right now your finances is changing, you shall see monies coming to you, in your hand. All of your needs are being met. Healing restoration, deliverance and new beginnings are yours. A new way of life is unfolding for you, you will never ever be the same ever again. Your time of elevation is here! The world will see it, and reverence the Almighty God. Stay humble and continue to seek for God's presence. Keep abiding in His word, and always


Busy, busy, toiling diligently carefully cleaning and doing some much needed repairs. Doing all of your chores and reaching your limit, yet still ready to complete project dead lines. Even staying up late to watch T.V. or just to relax. Sleep time finally comes and you fall asleep, then the Master calls to you during the wee hours of the morning. You get up only to find your body drained and tired, the spirit man is willing but the over ride capitalizes on your tiredness and you back to bed falling fast asleep. This must not continue to happen, for you cannot afford to miss your divine appointments in prayer. Consistently you must conqueror the over ride, and not allow being busy toiling with the cares of the day to weight you down. For it is in the time that you spend with Abba Father, when He awakens you from sleep. These are really key times to refresh and strengthen you, to prepare you for the day. Empowering you to successfully work and complete all that He has purposed you to do.


The wife who returns home from work, walks into the kitchen to prepare the dinner. Experiences the weariness of an abusive husband, and the agony of enduring it for so long. She cries out to God and honestly tells her Abba Father that she has grown weary of her husband. Immediately the Lord replies, " My daughter I have grown weary of the sins of my people. " This really startles the young woman and causes her thinking of the weariness of her husband, to shift to the weariness of God. The word begins to sound in her ears from Isaiah 43:24 which says, " Thou hast brought me no sweet cane with the fat of thy sacrifices: but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities. " Yes the weariness of God is very real for you have angered and hurt your Heavenly Father with your vain oblations and your lip service to Him. You bring gifts, you pay tithes, also you you feed the hungry, and clothe the naked. Yes you even visit the sick and th


The Great Shepherd is leading you away from the dry and desolate places into the path where the still waters flow! Comforting and protecting you from dangers that you cannot even see, and when you need correction His rod will redirect you! As you pass through the valley of decisions He will quicken you and bring you into your wealthy place! For He is the great Shepherd! just follow His lead! Psalm 23


A beautiful bouncing baby girl is born! Then taking her home my heart sinks when her beautiful eyes does not follow my finger, across her eyes. Immediately I know that something is wrong, This special little baby grows rapidly, yet is unable to get up or to stand. In my heart I cry.... Oh Lord! Please help my baby girl. She hears me weeping one day, and her not being able to speak or even have any emotions or so I thought! She comes and squeezes my arm as if to say mommy don't you weep, for I am alright! What an affirming squeeze setting me free that day! and now I've discovered what a special little girl! I shall cherish and nurture her to fulfill her purpose. She has made my life so much more meaningful and best of all she is God's creation! Then the reality sets in that God has a purpose for us all!!! My Little Girl Nia!!!!!


You have six days to labour and do all your work! Hustling and bustling through the heat and the cold Working from sunrise to sunset! Your body aches sometimes yet you still press on but what about Sabbath? When are you going to really spend Sabbath with the Lord? He awaits you and I What splendor and beautiful sights to behold! with Jacobs heritage! which He will give to you! Yes these blessings and so much more you shall receive! If you will take the Sabbath as a delight and not as a burden! Make it a number one priority to spend Sabbath with the Lord! You are guaranteed your life will never be the same Spend this Sabbath with Him!!!!!!!


You take care of me providing all essentials but best of all you feed my hungry and thirsty soul, with the living bread.... Leading me into your presence.... where I find comfort peace! I lack nothing for you are the living bread! you are all that I need!!!!!!


Sick with an unusual fever Doctors prescribed the medication and says, " Stay in bed! and drink lots of fluid. " Mama comes up with the antidote to give you relief from this awful virus. In bushes not far away there are medicine trees of every kind, Revelation 22:2 says " And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. " Yes Mama brews her mixture of leaves together, the instructions are one cup full twice a day. Vow! sure enough the antidote works for just about any sickness, but wait! In our daily lives we have a sin problem, which is eating away at the very core of our being. It is evident in our Society with the slogan " If it feels good do it. " Mommy and daddy are doing their own thing, children have become rebellious and very opinionated. The cost of living has risen tremendously, and crime is on the increase. There are crimes of murder, rape, incest, burglary and white collar crimes. The antidote is needed, people's hearts are fa


Trust in God He will see you through! Hold on the day is dawning All of your pain He is taking away, healing your hurts and comforting your sorrows. Trust in God He will see you through! God is restoring the years that the enemy has stolen. Restitution is yours to claim! Trust in God He will see you through! P.S. Trust God today to take care of tomorrow!!! Have a productive day!!


The track is very narrow and long! Look and see! what God is doing in your life. It is not an over night thing. He has preserved and is sustaining you for such a time as this! The track is lonely and hardly anyone ever wants to travel this track. They say it is too narrow and long! Yet this track will lead you to your divine destiny! and bring you into right standing with God your Father! Stay on the track the light of day is just ahead!!


Jamming all night until the morning light!!!! You are cordially invited to the jam session! from twelve midnight until six am! Calling for all the Gate- Keepers of the Cities! Calling for every prayer intercessor and calling for all the Commanders of the Morning! Awaken your sons and your daughters and bring them too! For every boy and girl must learn how to jam until the morning light. Yes Jam in Travail! intensifying your prayers! Fasting and praying more fervently! Come to the Jam session take your places in prayer and as you obediently take up your posts! You will take your Cities and Countries for Jesus Christ! Turning the dry and desolate places into springs of wealth prospering in every way! Come to the Jam session and bring a friend! The time is critical and the hour is late! Yet there is still some time left! so come to the Jam session, and commit your life to prayer! Pray continually and your life will never ever be the same! Each Jam session is right at the place where you a


Empowered to serve with humility and grace Elegantly standing completely adorned in the Father's armor No foe can disarm nor conqueror the one empowered to serve for the gates of hell shall not prevail! Empowered to serve helping the wounded and those who have lost their way! Empowered to serve leading each one, who will heed the call to feast at the table already prepared! It is an honor to be empowered to serve at the Master's beck and call! Empowered to serve!


NOTE: Sunday morning which was yesterday. I woke up with such a severe pain in my left breast, so much so that I was not able to turn to that left side. The pain was so intense! I thought Lord! where is all of this pain coming from? For it had come on me so suddenly. I told no one how bad the pain really was, and at one point I felt as if I would not make it. Then at that moment the word began to speak to me saying " Heal me , o Lord, and I shall be healed, save me, and I shall be saved, for thou art my praise. " Jer 17:14 This word strengthened my faith and I proceeded to prepare for morning Worship Service. While at Church the pain persisted even more, yet I continued to stand on the word! When my family and I got home for some reason my youngest daughter hugged me so tightly, which is good! but because the pain was so much I screamed out in pain! Still my faith remained strong! This morning I still carried the pain, by now the devil was really trying to mess with my faith.


In spite of what people think or say about you still be faithful in your walk with God! In spite of the accusations and the pain it may cause you still be a friend to others. Pour out your heart to God He will cover you in His Love! Thanks for being a friend who believes in me and what God is doing in my life God bless you!! There are not many people like you! Stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize! Stay prayerful! and in the word in spite of all that you are going through you are the winner!!!! NOTE: DEDICATED TO THE MANY, MANY PEOPLE WHO ENCOURAGE AND PRAY DAILY FOR ME!!! THANK YOU AND MAY GOD ALWAYS BLESS AND SUSTAIN YOU!!!!


God your Abba Father will allow you to go through a process of humiliation experiencing, pain and sickness with many set backs for a purpose. Encountering many valley experiences, yet through it all you have remained steadfast, your faith has not wavered. Praise is continually on your lips with a compassionate and forgiving heart, rekindled with love for your fellowmen and women. Survivor and yet even more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ, you have weathered the storms of life. Even the tornadoes that hit you so hard, you over came those too, through the blood of the Lamb. Restoration, reconciliation, and the healing balm of Gilead has visited your household. You persevered and travailed through prayer and fasting, surrendering in complete obedience to God. Yes! you have endured the ridicule and the shame. You have felt the pain of rejection and jeering from those around you. Knowing full well that they did not understand what God is doing in your life. The pain and agony has brou


Weary and worn from the toils of life. Weakened on the battle field of prayer, having no reinforcements, only spectators on the sidelines. Gradually your very life line is being threatened by your lack of prayer and fasting, neglecting the study of the word, the spirit man within is diminishing. Starving for the living waters of God, mean while the fleshly man is rising up against the spirit man within. Totally depleted of the living waters of God. Slumbering upon your bed, missing those vital appointments with your Heavenly Father. The flesh man demands your prayer to be " Lord my will not Yours, be done" praying all your needs be met. Blinded by selfish pride and arrogance, self takes the reigns. The spirit man is diminishing, wandering away from the presence of your Abba Father. The Spirit of God realizes that you must bow to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You are unaware of the ambushment that awaits you. The word speaks up from Psalm 20:1 saying " The Lord hear thee in t