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Showing posts from August, 2009


Sick with an unusual fever Doctors prescribed the medication and says, " Stay in bed! and drink lots of fluid. " Mama comes up with the antidote to give you relief from this awful virus. In bushes not far away there are medicine trees of every kind, Revelation 22:2 says " And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. " Yes Mama brews her mixture of leaves together, the instructions are one cup full twice a day. Vow! sure enough the antidote works for just about any sickness, but wait! In our daily lives we have a sin problem, which is eating away at the very core of our being. It is evident in our Society with the slogan " If it feels good do it. " Mommy and daddy are doing their own thing, children have become rebellious and very opinionated. The cost of living has risen tremendously, and crime is on the increase. There are crimes of murder, rape, incest, burglary and white collar crimes. The antidote is needed, people's hearts are fa


Trust in God He will see you through! Hold on the day is dawning All of your pain He is taking away, healing your hurts and comforting your sorrows. Trust in God He will see you through! God is restoring the years that the enemy has stolen. Restitution is yours to claim! Trust in God He will see you through! P.S. Trust God today to take care of tomorrow!!! Have a productive day!!


The track is very narrow and long! Look and see! what God is doing in your life. It is not an over night thing. He has preserved and is sustaining you for such a time as this! The track is lonely and hardly anyone ever wants to travel this track. They say it is too narrow and long! Yet this track will lead you to your divine destiny! and bring you into right standing with God your Father! Stay on the track the light of day is just ahead!!


Jamming all night until the morning light!!!! You are cordially invited to the jam session! from twelve midnight until six am! Calling for all the Gate- Keepers of the Cities! Calling for every prayer intercessor and calling for all the Commanders of the Morning! Awaken your sons and your daughters and bring them too! For every boy and girl must learn how to jam until the morning light. Yes Jam in Travail! intensifying your prayers! Fasting and praying more fervently! Come to the Jam session take your places in prayer and as you obediently take up your posts! You will take your Cities and Countries for Jesus Christ! Turning the dry and desolate places into springs of wealth prospering in every way! Come to the Jam session and bring a friend! The time is critical and the hour is late! Yet there is still some time left! so come to the Jam session, and commit your life to prayer! Pray continually and your life will never ever be the same! Each Jam session is right at the place where you a


Empowered to serve with humility and grace Elegantly standing completely adorned in the Father's armor No foe can disarm nor conqueror the one empowered to serve for the gates of hell shall not prevail! Empowered to serve helping the wounded and those who have lost their way! Empowered to serve leading each one, who will heed the call to feast at the table already prepared! It is an honor to be empowered to serve at the Master's beck and call! Empowered to serve!


NOTE: Sunday morning which was yesterday. I woke up with such a severe pain in my left breast, so much so that I was not able to turn to that left side. The pain was so intense! I thought Lord! where is all of this pain coming from? For it had come on me so suddenly. I told no one how bad the pain really was, and at one point I felt as if I would not make it. Then at that moment the word began to speak to me saying " Heal me , o Lord, and I shall be healed, save me, and I shall be saved, for thou art my praise. " Jer 17:14 This word strengthened my faith and I proceeded to prepare for morning Worship Service. While at Church the pain persisted even more, yet I continued to stand on the word! When my family and I got home for some reason my youngest daughter hugged me so tightly, which is good! but because the pain was so much I screamed out in pain! Still my faith remained strong! This morning I still carried the pain, by now the devil was really trying to mess with my faith.


In spite of what people think or say about you still be faithful in your walk with God! In spite of the accusations and the pain it may cause you still be a friend to others. Pour out your heart to God He will cover you in His Love! Thanks for being a friend who believes in me and what God is doing in my life God bless you!! There are not many people like you! Stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize! Stay prayerful! and in the word in spite of all that you are going through you are the winner!!!! NOTE: DEDICATED TO THE MANY, MANY PEOPLE WHO ENCOURAGE AND PRAY DAILY FOR ME!!! THANK YOU AND MAY GOD ALWAYS BLESS AND SUSTAIN YOU!!!!


God your Abba Father will allow you to go through a process of humiliation experiencing, pain and sickness with many set backs for a purpose. Encountering many valley experiences, yet through it all you have remained steadfast, your faith has not wavered. Praise is continually on your lips with a compassionate and forgiving heart, rekindled with love for your fellowmen and women. Survivor and yet even more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ, you have weathered the storms of life. Even the tornadoes that hit you so hard, you over came those too, through the blood of the Lamb. Restoration, reconciliation, and the healing balm of Gilead has visited your household. You persevered and travailed through prayer and fasting, surrendering in complete obedience to God. Yes! you have endured the ridicule and the shame. You have felt the pain of rejection and jeering from those around you. Knowing full well that they did not understand what God is doing in your life. The pain and agony has brou


Weary and worn from the toils of life. Weakened on the battle field of prayer, having no reinforcements, only spectators on the sidelines. Gradually your very life line is being threatened by your lack of prayer and fasting, neglecting the study of the word, the spirit man within is diminishing. Starving for the living waters of God, mean while the fleshly man is rising up against the spirit man within. Totally depleted of the living waters of God. Slumbering upon your bed, missing those vital appointments with your Heavenly Father. The flesh man demands your prayer to be " Lord my will not Yours, be done" praying all your needs be met. Blinded by selfish pride and arrogance, self takes the reigns. The spirit man is diminishing, wandering away from the presence of your Abba Father. The Spirit of God realizes that you must bow to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You are unaware of the ambushment that awaits you. The word speaks up from Psalm 20:1 saying " The Lord hear thee in t


God has given me and you power and authority to destroy the works of Satan and his demons to tread down the enemy! Power and authority to cast out every foe! Power to cure all manner of sickness and diseases! God has given you and me power and authority to speak to every mountain, and command it to move! the mountain has got to move! God has given you and me power and authority to command the day to line to line up with His word!! You and I have power and authority to be victorious in all areas of our lives!!!! Power and authority!! Begin today to walk in it!!!


On the brink in the dark night of despair darkness quickly over shadowing the day. On the brink of giving up I discover a new strength springing from within bringing the joy of new found vision it's blurred...... yet getting clearer I see it....... On the brink I see you oh Lord, I feel your love and compassion Yes it's on the brink I experience your transforming power lifting me to my place of destiny!!! P.S. Never give up!!!! keep hope alive!!!


The things your heart desires are the pleasures of this world, the material wealth and prestige which lures your heart away. Oh the hours that are spent watching intriguing movies, playing golf on the golf course, not to mention watching the exciting tennis tournaments. And yes the hours spent on the telephone, well surfing the net could take all night! Of course you attend Church regularly and yet you can hardly wait to return home, and continue on in your pleasantries. These things your heart desires, they lure you away. You don't pray like you used to, and Bible study? Well! You don't study regularly anymore because somehow, you have allowed things to distract you from your purpose. Yes the things you desire and find enjoyment in, you have allowed to cause you to neglect the One who gives you power to get wealth. You are neglecting the One who gives you life, the One who sustains you. Oh the things your heart desires lures your heart away. What are you to do? It is plain and


Do not be distracted stay the course! In pursuit of your destiny, to fulfill your purpose in God. Stay in prayer relentlessly, consistently being persistent in the study of the word of God, and always let the high praises of God be in your mouth! Strengthen the poor and the needy. Do not allow your- self to become complacent and lazy. Do not indulge yourself in over eating. Sometimes say no! to your your dinner and turning down your plate declaring a fast unto the Lord. There will be times in your life too, that you must refrain from talking so much and allow your words to be few, fasting from words. Be silent, " But the Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before him. " Habakkuk 2:20 May the God of all comfort, comfort and strengthen you and give to you His wisdom to enlighten your understanding in this your time of transition! Be not afraid nor dis- may ed for the Lord Jehovah Shammmah is with you, Jehovah Saboath the Lord of Host is with you and the P


It is said that silence gives consent! It is time for the righteous to arise with a righteous indignation and stand up for truth! It is time to do it God's way! Away with your lip service, away with your way! It is time to seek for the Lord while He maybe found, it is time to call upon Him while He is near. Break the silence and rise up in prayer! Get in the word and put on the whole armor of God with all weapons of artillery from God your Father. Remember you do not war like the world, it is on your knees in prayer in total surrender to God, do not be deceived it is time to pray! It is time to become militant about your commitment to God your Father. There is no time for doubt and fear, the Almighty God is with you, you do not have to be afraid. You have the powerful weaponry of prayer and the word. Get up and pray! What do I pray? pray the word of God, pray "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done." Be done will of God! Break the silence! Let your voice be heard through pray


I felt your pain today and begin to see the hard decisions that you have to make, and how much weights you are made to bear, with secrets which strains you so. I felt your pain today and am all so sorry for being so harsh at times, for I did not know that you had so much pain. For you act as if you really don't even care and nothing seems to affect you, but today I felt your pain, and feel the warmth of my love for you! From this day I will hold and comfort you promising to keep the peace! and to allow the Lord to have preeminence. Yes I felt your pain and realize that you are that special one sent from up above to light up my life in spite of all the pain!!!!! P.S. Relationships are never easy but it is worth it to keep working, and nurturing being careful to be sensitive to each others needs. You are not alone be encouraged, you will make it!!!


I must hasten to complete every assignment He has sanctioned me to do. No time to explain to all the liars and to all who oppose. Yes I must hasten to share the good News of Salvation to impact Nations, that they will know that God cares about what is happening in their daily lives. I must hasten my time is far spent and my journey is near completion, but still I must hasten that He won't find me undone. For I must give to you what He has given to me, to encourage and bring you hope in all that you are going through. Many do not understand that the oil in my vessel is very costly! it cost me everything and I willingly yielded to the Master's perfect will! I must hasten for soon He shall send the call and I want to hear Him say Matthew 25:21 "Well done, good and faithful servant, you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord." Yes I must hasten to do the Father's will in humble submission, to affect the