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Showing posts from April, 2010


What a beautiful couple a match made in Heaven, everything is working in synchronization. Yet as time goes by something have gone wrong, "All hell is breaking loose" so to speak. The fervent love is slipping away, but the truth is the love is still fervent only you are allowing ministry, and other people and things to have first place, and your quiet time with God? Well! you have been fitting Him in between everything else. Family Altar is quickly disappearing and the family seems to be falling apart. Man of God, Woman of God, Abba Father is after your love walk. Yes we may preach and teach the word, and even minister under a powerful anointing yet we can still live defeated lives, if our homes are not in in order. The time is here for men of God to honor and really cherish your wives, treating them with respect and dignity in the home. Wives the time has come to be submissive and respectful to our husbands, for God is restoring all the breeches in our lives. You may ask &qu


Each trial comes to strengthen and build character within. The disappointments may seem more than you can bear, but actually they are blessings in disguises. Do not take nothing and no one for granted, for even the grass of the field is cared for by Abba Father! Every tear drop and the pain you bear is felt and is being healed right now. Please do not give up even though it may feel as if it is more than you can handle. Be assured at this very moment that Abba Father is well aware of your location and help is on the way! May He sustain you in all that you are going through. For He is with you be encouraged!


Today you maybe struggling with some issues. Your heart maybe broken and the feeling of severe pain, seems to have you over whelmed do not despair. For God your Heavenly Father feels, sees, and understands all that you are going through! You may be misunderstood by even your loved ones. Allow me to share this poem entitled MISUNDERSTOOD Misunderstood He cleansed the leaper Misunderstood His compassion caused Him to heal those that were sick, And to even raise the dead. Many did not believe Him, they Scoffed and made fun of Him. Yet He kept on doing the will Of the Father! They tried to push Him down A hillside but He escaped And continued on His journey. Yes Jesus was misunderstood Even though He gave up the Splendor of Heaven to bear The reproach of you and I. He was treated meanly and Rejected being misunderstood. Misunderstood He poured out The love of the Father so Lavishly, enduring all things Even His death on the the cross Still He was misunderstood. Did He feel the pain and an


My mother died many many years ago, yet sometimes I still miss her and will never forget her! Recently the pen was inspired to write these words to mothers every where. For it is not just on mothers day that we should say thank you mother, we should say and show it every day by our actions and our attitudes! Be blessed and inspired as you read this poem! T- TOGETHER H- HELPER A- AN EARTH ANGEL N- NOTABLE K- KNOWLEDGEABLE Y- YIELDED O- OVER COMER U- UNITED M- MOST LOVING O- OUTSTANDING T- TEACHABLE H- HUNGRY FOR GOD E- EFFECTIVE R- RESOURCEFUL Thank you for having all of these qualities and more, for mother you were born to win. Your trials and disappointments have been may, yet God has kept you! Thank You Father God for your precious gift, thank You for mother! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL!!!!!!