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Showing posts from December, 2009


May this poem bless and encourage you to hold on in all that you are going through! God is fighting for you! Stand still and allow Him to, work out each situation! Trust Him! If you can show love, And not retaliate, On your beloved, Who continues to, Manipulate and control! If you can display, God's Love when it, Seems as if all hell Assails you! If when you feel as if, You have come to the end, Of your rope and it seems, As if your blood begins, To boil! If you can remain calm, And forgive and still, Show love in the midst, Of your hurt and pain! If you can do this Jesus Christ has the reigns to, Your heart and you are a, Vessel chosen by your Heavenly Father to bring Glory to, His name! P.S. As you begin this new year, may the Lord grant to you renewed strength and courage for each day! My prayer for you is that God your Father will prosper you and give to you good health, with new beginnings for you and your family!


Life's painful experiences are really teachers for your learning, to bring you to the realization that discipline and integrity are the order of the day. What a price you pay for every indiscretion. There is a price to pay for every careless mistake. Yes the pain seems greater than you can bear. Yet the comfort of the word rings out from Proverbs 3:5-6 Which says "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding." (6)" In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path." You now realize the folly of putting your trust in people and in things. O the folly of being careless and trusting in your own intellect. With much regret and the wish you could go back and undo what has already been done! Despair and depression now surrounds you, hope begins to flee away. Just at a moment's glance, the warm and welcoming presence of your Abba Father surrounds you, bringing comfort and strength to you. Enlightening you with the un

Beautiful Flower

Beautiful flower, Budded multiplying, Working tirelessly, With her hands. She grew in her faith, In God and in the word, She did meditate. She blossomed with a Compassionate heart, Of love with a gift, So potent each time, She baked her bread, And pastries which she, Sold to others. As soon as you ate, Of her dainties you desired, more! People came from miles, And miles just to partake, Of her bread. Even from far across the seas, People requested and made, Their orders too! Beautiful flower had a gift, So potent that yes even, The little children would, Assemble in her shop and call Her Mama! What a beautiful flower, Yet she was a stern and a no, Non sense person! She was a , Disciplinarian. When she would, Cut her eye and give you that look. You knew that you were doing or saying Something wrong and quickly you, Repented! Beautiful flower had that much Influence! Beautiful flower flourished, In being a virtuous woman, Filled with the Wisdom of God. The fruit of the her womb, Is a tes


Francis and Jean with Wilma following came and devastated many lives, destroying many homes. Leaving an after math of devastation, yet in the midst of it all we learned perseverance, and how to care about our neighbors and become our brother's keepers again. After the storms people from every walk of life could be seen helping their neighbors. People cooked and went tirelessly about making sure that the hungry were fed, every essential item was supplied. People talked much with each other with visitations following. That Christmas having a tree with presents under it was not important actually people were just giving God thanks for sparing us yet another time. Now Christmas is all but here and it seems that we have forgotten to go and seek out our neighbors. When we cook we do not seek out the hungry like how we used. Telephone calls well we have become so busy, the calls have almost become nil. God our Abba Father is so merciful and forgiving, He is unctioning each of us especia


In His tender care, He dries my every tear, Comforting me with His Word. Lifting me to heights like the eagle bird, Soaring high above the mountain terrain, To receive the latter rain. In His tender care, to blossom and to grow, Into the river flow, Filled with His Love, And harmless as a dove. Yet infused with His Wisdom, Empowered from on high, To do Kingdom Business. In His tender care, I am loved and protected! There is no place that, I would rather be than, In Your tender care!!!! Note: May The Lord keep you safely abiding under His Wings Of His Divine Protection, where no one can harm you! May His Peace be always with you. Enjoy your day today!!!!


A family hunkered down as the brunt of the storm hit! and darkness filled the land. Suddenly there was water in the living room, as a wind chill swept in and to every one's dismay the board that protected one of the front windows had fallen off. Now the strong forceful winds threatened to lift off the roof. The moment of truth came the husband knew that he and his sons had to go outside in the the darkest hour, because his whole family was now in grave danger. Someone just tragically lost a loved one and is facing the darkest hour and there are no words that could bring comfort. The Doctor may have just given you the grim news, which may seem like a death sentence. The husband who does not love his wife anymore, and the the entire family structure seems to be crumbling it may feel like the darkest hour. In your walk with God you have been faithful yet you are going through your darkest hour. Instead of things getting better it seems to be getting worse. You have prayed and fasted y


In the middle of a telephone conversation, with one of my sisters....Listen! Can't you hear it! I said. She responded...... Listen to what? Listen stillness! Listen to the peace! and it is not because the house is quite either!...... Listen and you will hear it too...... It is exhilarating my whole being! What is replied my sister? Listen....It is God's peace which, surpasses all understanding! Keep listening as you yield all of self will to Him! The One who called you from your mothers womb! Listen it is He who will usher you to your place of destiny!!!!!! Give Him Praise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note: As you go about your busy day, take a moment to listen for your Heavenly Father's Voice and allow Him to lead and guide you, through this and every day. Listen and you will hear Him speak to you! Have a good and a productive day!