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Showing posts from 2010


As we come to the close of another year filled with triumphs and the agony of defeats, sickness, pain, and heartaches. Enduring storms, hurricanes, with some severe tornadoe conditions in our lives. Yet we are still here, and in many ways we can be likened to A Thorn ed Rose! Pause for a moment....take a deep breath in, now breathe out....yes exhale! Begin at this moment to give Abba Father thanks even in the midst of all you have been going through: for it is He who has kept you strong. You may not have what you want, but He has given you all you need to sustain you and your family. Through out the year, there were times you thought you did not have anymore strength left to go on: yet you experienced in your moments of weakness, His grace and strength......He kept you! Your losses have been great, almost everything is gone: with a void you feel for Dear loved ones who have passed on. Words cannot express, nor can anyone bring you comfort as this year comes to an end. In spite of how y


Christmas is just days away, but for many there will be no Christmas tree in the living room or any presents to put under the tree. The truth is Christmas is not about having a Christmas tree with presents. Have you thought about how you can make a difference in some body's life not just at Christmas time ? Sharing and caring daily ? Praying persistently for someone Else's breakthrough ? What about, if you have not already done the best gift of all this Christmas: confessing Jesus Christ as your Saviour and, inviting Him into your heart to be Lord of your life ? During these most difficult and trying times God is faithful, and all around the Globe, especially here on the Island of Grand Bahama: The hand of God can be seen sustaining, empowering, and changing lives during this Christmas time. Many of us are still in the valley of our lives at this Christmas time. Yet God is working out every situation and circumstances for our good! Please allow me to share this po


NOTE: As you go through the grief of sorrow and experience the toils and challenges of this life. May the Lord give to you a quite strength to endure, and bring you out victoriously! Be blessed and encouraged!!! Pain ripped through my upper spine Muscles tightening, grimacing in pain Trying to raise up from the chair.... Praying to Abba Father to take away The pain. Then instantly an even more severe pain Came like no other aching In the heart caused by bitter angry words Piercing through the heart like the ripping Pain in my upper spine only with more intensity. Reminding me if I am not open to forgive, Seeds of bitterness and hurt will take root To render the heart cold and unloving! Please Heavenly Father keep me humbly at Your Feet in humility with Your strength and grace To turn the other cheek to display Your Love! Still my tongue too Oh Lord especially during Adverse times, that the radiance of Your Countenance would be seen upon me. For You love a quiet and a


The hair relaxer needs the activator to straighten the hair, but without the neutralizing shampoo which stabilizers the hair: the relaxer would be ineffective. Without the nurture and care of loving godly parents, most children would not have stability. Mothers and fathers are a stabilizer in our lives. On the road to you divine destiny, you may become frightened to the point of being helpless. Yet the stabilizer visits you! reminding you that He is the Great Shepherd. Bringing to mind Psalm 23:4 which says, " Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. " During those times when death seems to over shadow you, and the doctors have done all that they can do. The stabilizer comes and not only comforts you, but He brings healing and restoration to you. When you are going through what seems like the backside of the desert, having no one to care or even to talk to. When life's s


NOTE: There is a cry that emanates from the depth of heart broken mothers and fathers, weeping for the loss of their sons and daughters...the summons has been served! It is time to stop all the violence and the sin of lawlessness in our land! People every where it is time to PRAY! PRAY! May this poem challenge and inspire you to receive THE SUMMONS! An urgent cry is heard It is through the work Of the Holy Spirit moving Throughout the earth serving The Summons to every prayer warrior, intercessor. The Commanders of the morning, And all the gate keepers Of the cities and Islands. Awake! Awake put on strength Put on the whole armor of God. Be sober and alert...the summons Reads in bold red letters, " It is Time to Pray! pray! Pray! cry aloud to The Lord! Weep and travail for Our sons and our daughters! Pray for the lost and undone! Pray for more love and compassion. The Summons reads....pray for Boldness and to be an effective Witness for Jesus Christ. Pray for Salvation, Healing,


While the people of God are playing Church steeped in Religious activities, and patting ourselves on the back for perfect attendance: and being very actively involved (which is good in it's place). Yet God is not pleased, for He is and has been calling His House in order, by divine order. The Church is misaligned having everything in place but not by God's design! This could be our last and final warning, for the Kingdom of God is at hand! Jesus, who is soon to return for His bride: not the four walls, no not the building you and I worship in. "You". You are the Church. We are misaligned, not doing and in some cases: not even knowing what is our Kingdom assignment. We are so busy playing Church, and doing our own thing. The Church is misaligned, (We are the Church). Today, each of us would be wise to stop! Take a few moments....ask ourselves this question. " If God was to call my soul away at this very I really prepared to stand at the judgment bar?


These words are dedicated to The One whom I run hard after! My Abba Father....describing my encounter with Him and telling of the place where I experienced My Ebenezer! Be blessed and encouraged as you read! He gently awakened me holding my hand Leading me into the dining room...humbly I bowed my knees in awe of Him... praying Earnestly yet found it increasingly Difficult.....not knowing what to say to Him. Eyes becoming heavy....filled with sleep Turning then to get up from my knees... Frustrated wanting to go back to bed! Immediately....His Voice of comfort and Love Spoke up.... "Don't go...stay with Me. " His Words changed my whole life....kneeling On a wooden chair at the dining room table Is the place where...He turned my darkness Into me joy for all of my sorrow, Making my feet to dance, and filling my mouth With laughter! Taking away all of my shame and reproach. I shall never forget the place of my Ebenezer!


NOTE: The battle rages on every side and it may feel like you are going through some deep dark waters. The very foundation you are standing on is being shaken! Yet you are victorious and will emerge triumphant, being made whole because of the finished work done at Calvary. May this poem bring comfort and inspiration to you as you go through these most difficult and trying times! To love and not be loved To be despised and rejected By your very own. To speak truth And still be called a liar. To suffer pain and humiliation. To be faithful in spite of of all To be condemned to die, Without any evidence of doing Anything wrong. To be hung on a tree, And stripped of everything Except God the Father's Love Yes, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God Willingly gave up His life so that You and I can be free to live an Abundant life....experiencing God's Love in the midst of your circumstances. Glory and Honor to The Lamb Of God!


May these words encourage and bring comfort to you as you go these very difficult times! May the God of all Comfort, comfort you on every side! We are tested and tried On every side. Knocked down sometimes, But not defeated. Oppressed and persecuted Yet not destitute d. We are the children of The Most High God. Manifestation of the sons And daughters of God is here, Every eye shall see God bringing His children forth in the Strength and power of His might, With provision and everything needed....experiencing no more Lack! Walking under manifestation Of an open Heaven! For we are the children of the Most High God.....through the manifestation Of the resurrection Power of Jesus Christ For we are the children of the Most High God! NOTE: From the WORD I leave with you 2 Corinthians 4:7-9 " But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;


Upon entering the parking lot of a Business establishment to my dismay, there sat a man sitting on the ground with a tray of what looked like a scrumptious meal...looking a little closer it was a drug addict....he looked familiar, he had cursed me out not so long ago: telling me just how God had made me so to speak, making my ears burn! Putting the car in reverse, saying to myself, " Lord not today. " Meanwhile the drug addict was looking at me intently, to my surprise he did not say a word! He looked so calm as he sat there, and I thought you are not cursing me out today! Well! Just then I heard, "Tell him can get to Heaven before you." My response was, " Lord I am not talking to this drug addict!" I heard it again, "Tell him he can get to Heaven before you, and that when you are down, the only place you can go is up!" The WORD of God rang out loud and clearly from Luke 13:30 saying, "And indeed there are last who will be first, and there a


May This Poem Bless And Encourage You As You Go Through These Most Difficult Times, And Wonder Why The Test! Hearts are made to grieve Hungry mouths to feed, Losing loved ones.... Oh how hearts are aching You wander why the test! So many disappointments, And dangerous encounters When will it all end! You wander why the test. Help Lord....remember Father Jesus Christ paid the ultimate Price with His life, and He already Suffered in every way possible! So every time you wander why The test! It is for you and I to feel Compassion and Love for those Who maybe going through some Situations....extend a helping Hand and be there for them, Or just say a prayer! Wander why the test! There is a purpose in the test Look for it!


May this poem bless and inspire you! Each time you kneel, sit or stand to pray you rip Making melody in your heart to the Lord, Giving to Him the high sounding praise! Consistent studying and searching the scriptures Rip, but get this as the word becomes en grafted In your heart the rip gets even bigger. For now you are a doer of the word Rip you are no longer a part of the kingdom of darkness The rip has brought you into the light of Jesus!


NOTE: At a baptismal service on the Western End of the Island, twelve mostly young people were baptized. To me it was not business as usual, and turning to go to my hotel husband and I walking through the door, I heard these words, " I want to climax with you. " To my dismay, it was not my husband who said those words. Yet it was only the two of us there. I was completely blown away! I sat dumb founded went and sat on the couch unable to move....asking the question, " Lord is that you, cause Lord this sounds so x-rated. " You know how the flesh is. Then I heard it again and was inspired to put pen to paper and the following is a poem that the pen wrote! Walking through the door of an exclusive hotel I heard these words, " I want to climax with you. " My spirit responded without hesitation Yes in readiness, I want to climax with you! Oh the urgency of the call I want to be there with you! Your Love is so explosive within, And it is too much to k


Pain gripped this body and became a stronghold. Night and day the pain became even more intense. The Doctors could not under- stand, and they prescribed medication, upon medication but to no avail. There was one significant thing that was working though, and still is....PRAYER! Yes I kept on praying and believing the WORD! The WORD kept on speaking to me from Psalm 118:117 saying to me, "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. " The WORD said, post it up on your wall in your room, and in your it urgently! Well you know the WORD does not lie. Soon after that I grew gravely ill, and fought hard to live.....but the pain grew worse.....I said to the Lord, the pain was too much. Made my confessions and felt it was all over...felt myself slipping away. Then suddenly I heard His Voice! He said to me, " Turn your face to the wall and verbalize what is written on the wall. " I turned, there it was I had forgotten all about it, " I sh


NOTE: We often take for granted the people who God places in our lives, and we fail to tell and to show them that we care....we put it off. Today, make it a priority to show someone you care while they are yet alive, for soon or later they will be gone! Do it now! May this poem, challenge and inspire you to make a difference in the lives of people, whom you cross paths with each day in this life! Be blessed as you read! In this life impact someone Who have lost their way. Show some love and kindness Share a smile or speak words Of compassion and love. In this life many are hurting, And hearts are being broken in Many pieces, give of your time, Gifts, and talents! Call someone, tell them how much you care, And that you are near. Visit someone today who maybe at home Or in Hospital! Show your enemies some love too! In this life make a difference For soon or later you will be gone, And only what you do for Jesus Christ Will last! In this life make it count that You were here on planet e


In the book of Jeremiah chapter thirty-eight, God rescued and divinely delivered Jeremiah from the evil schemes and plots to take away his life. God your Heavenly Father will rescue you! Declare in the name of Jesus Psalm 118:17 that, " You shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord." Third John 3 verse 2 says, " Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." Yes your foes are many and they hate you with cruel hatred. They are inside and on the outside, yet they cannot harm you nor your family. God has rendered every work of darkness null and void. The enemy is powerless to operate against you, you are the victor in this battle. Make a declaration at this very moment that in Jesus name your frustrations and failures are over. You are walking into a season of progress and success. Your enemies have become your foot stool. Yes Abba Father has shifted every thing. Those who taunted and made fun of you, yes tho


The pain of separation comes in different degrees, yet the pain is still the same. A young man and lady preparing to leave home for college abroad. The little boy that gets into the wrong bus, he momentarily feels the pain of separation. in a crowded room with fun and laughter....there you are telling your jokes, drinking with the boys! Yet no one is receptive to you. You experience the pain of separation. Husband and wives share the same bed, but they turn their backs towards each other feeling the pain of separation, they tolerate each other. The pain of separation is a horrible pain that no pain killers can heal. There are no bandages to put on it, it really hurts! only God our Abba Father can heal the pain of separation. How ? You may ask. Purpose in your heart today to surrender the situations that you are experiencing through the pain of separation to the Lord:release the pain and let go of the person or persons. Place them in your Heavenly Father's Hands, He will take care o


Oh the splendor of His presence and the joy of knowing Jesus. Yes you discover renewed strength and courage, and an abundance of the Father's Love is being bestowed upon you right now. For you have been through so much, and the continued assurance of access into the very presence of Abba Father: away from the ravages of the enemy it is so refreshing! Satan and his demons cannot enter into this place. The Almighty God Jehovah El Roi, He can see through the darkness and into the light, nothing surprises Him. So continue to pursue even harder after your Abba Father: for you must get to the next dimension. Your strength is being renewed and courage is awakening from within. For your greatest tragedy, heartaches, and pain is what will birth out your purpose, and catapult you to your divine destiny. It is of utmost importance though, for you to always remember that God your Father is faithful, and He will not put on you more than you can bear. Stay in the place of prayer so you will be a


Have you ever awakened and got out of bed only to discover to your dismay that the bed was torn up, the sheet was off the bed.....what a messy looking bed. This may have caused you to wonder, "How did this happen while sleeping? " In marriages all across the globe the marriage bed is torn up, especially among Christians. It is not just infidelity, but I submit to you it is even deeper than that. We bring people and things into the marriage bed, along with anger, bitterness, hurt and pain. Flash back.....on your wedding day, the Organist or Pianist ministered powerfully, "Here comes the bride, " and you brother excitedly with joy in your heart, walked the aisle to receive her. your beautiful bride felt she was now complete, but over the years you have allowed the marriage bed to be torn up. Yes you man of God, because you have allowed the enemy to come in. God is holding you responsible for the torn up bed, stop blaming your wife. Let us take a look at Genesis 3:9 w


May this poem encourage and inspire you in all that you are going through! Blow after blow as the tempestuous angry sea Beats against the shore line....causing a great you face each disappointment and Feel your heartache with is as if you Are being driven to the breaking point. Sometimes It may feel like you are on a roller coaster ride! Over coming and solving some problems....only to experience more devastating news, and having to Deal with some deep the Breaking point. Yes, blow after blow as the angry tempestuous angry Sea beats against the shoreline....causing a great Erosion....each disappointment and heartache drives You to the breaking point of giving up all of self- Will in total submission to the perfect plans and Purposes of God for your life! What blessings to receive....after being driven to The breaking point! What a blessing of total surrender To be able to say to Abba Father like Jesus said in the Book of Luke 22:42 "


May this poem challenge, inspire and encourage you! The Rock sends an invitation, " Come sit with Me, You will have everything you need, You will find it all in Me! " Stop chasing after money and fame, Sit in the Rock and you will know My name. Put your trust in Me He said, and In an instant you will Covenant with the true and living God who has you in view. In the Rock you will experience Rivers of living water flowing From your belly....springing up An abundance with God's over... Flowing blessings...yes the Rock Is sweeter than the honey comb.. Enlightening the soul. The Rock is Jesus Christ....He Suffered, bled and died...took My place.....He bids you come And take your place...sit in the Rock today...He awaits you!


Body sweating profusely, throat throbbing with pain, ears not hearing. "Help me Lord." Taking medication conditions worsens....body feverish, voice all but gone! Heart feeling like it's gonna burst....severe pain....heart cry, "Heal me Oh Lord and I shall be healed;" Jeremiah 17:14. "Kaboom!" You are out on the floor! What do you do when God does not answer? As I lay out on that floor, holding onto the Word... couldn't verbalize it: but from within kept believing it. Drifted into a deep, deep sleep...when I awoke the pain was gone, along with the fever. The ears could hear, and the voice returned, the heart was beating right on time! In your walk with God you have been faithful. Yet you maybe in a situation where your back maybe against the wall. You have prayed and fasted. Yes, you are meditating in the Word day and night. Yet your situation seems to be getting worse! What do you do when God does not answer? Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call unto Me,


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to a graven image of King Nebuchadnezzar, and faced the burning fiery furnace: which was made even hotter than usual. Yes the King was furious with them! Look a little closer and listen to their reply to the King, " O King Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. ' If it be so, Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and to deliver us out of thine hand, O King. ' But if not, be it known unto thee, O King, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou has set up. " Daniel 3:16-18. Their faith was unshakable, not even losing their lives moved them. Lean a little closer as this scene unfolds. The men who took the three Hebrews up bound and threw them in the furnace. The flames because it was extremely hot consumed them to death, but the three Hebrews remained unharmed. The fire actually freed the rope that had bound them, and there was a


Honey, I'm home! How was your day ? I'm so glad you are home! A warm embrace, a tender moment. Yes these are a few impressions but where did love go ? Now a days it's more like, "He reach". You maybe thinking, "Lord help me to go home to this nagging woman." or it maybe like a grunt or hardly a word spoken. No hugs, no smiles. Where did love go ? The honey moon seems to be over, now there is, " no honey on the moon." so to speak, and you may not know the last time you saw the moon! Where did love go ? Do you remember the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour ? You were all excited and filled with zeal for the Lord. Just as you were on your wedding day, but where did love go ? Your passion for Jesus Christ has diminished. You hardly ever pick-up the Word to study and meditate on the scripture anymore. You don't pray like you used to pray either. When was the last time you took to the streets, to share the good news of Salvat


Hearts are heavy and many are in distress. Yet the Savior beckons you to still go on even in the midst of your circumstances and situations. Yes as you enter via prayer and His Word, groanings that cannot be uttered are heard but with a made up mind and a determination, you are destined to win. For you see while what you are going through may seem almost unbearable. The truth is, those groanings that cannot be uttered are birthing pains. The sleepless nights, walking the floor, laying out prostrate before God. The anguish of much pain and sorrow. The disappointments, the pain of rejection, and great persecution during some messy situations. Groanings that cannot be uttered are giving way to a beautiful stable, steadfast, unmovable ministry for the glory and honor of God. Yes you have been in labor with these groanings that cannot be uttered for a long time. Right now this is a crucial must continue to follow God's instructions step by step. Do not divert, nor go seeking


These are lyrics to a beautiful song reminding you and me to saturate our people, nation, and indeed the world with prayer! Be blessed and may you too be challenged to pray like never before! I need to saturate this place with prayer I need to saturate this place with prayer Kneel on my knees pray continually..... Saturate this place with prayer. I need to saturate this place with prayer And lay prostrate....I need to saturate this Place with prayer. I need to sound the alarm that Your coming is soon It could be at noon..... yet no one knows I need to saturate this place with prayer. I need to saturate this place with prayer Climbing higher with each prayer I pray I need to saturate this place with prayer. Saturate with prayer and the word to occupy The land....impacting souls for the Kingdom Of God I need to saturate this place with prayer! Saturate this place with prayer....saturate this Place with prayer!


Go get your husband...where did he go? Did he step out on you? Is he ever home? Do not go ghetto...stop telling him about his bad ways and about that "Jezebel or even the other man." Go get your husband...look a little closer it is not "Jezebel or the other man," that has your husband. Satan is the master mind behind this sinister plot to destroy your marriage. Go get your husband from out of the enemy's camp... what is this woman talking about? may be your response. Yet if you would this day forgive your husband and let bygones be bygones. Yes if you let go of the pain, and allow God to heal you, His abundant love and compassion would flow through you to reach your husband. Then you would see from God's perspective how urgent it really is for you to go and get your husband..go get him, not from out of Jezebel or the other man's hands, but out of the clutches of Satan. How? Get on your knees and consistently pray for him without ceasing. Every time you w


NOTE: You may not understand why you are going through what you are experiencing: but be comforted in this, God will show to you the complete plan, He will not fail you. Yes He will give you grace in every trial, and endurance to stand in the midst of adversity. May this poem not only challenge you, but it is my prayer that you also be inspired to take your place seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus! Be blessed as you read! I did not understand the complete plan Why the burdens get so heavy, nor why You allow such pain and anguish. I did not understand the depth of Your Love, Nor why You hold me so close. I did not Understand why all this humiliation and suffering. Now! A new day has dawned and I see the complete plan, Seated in my place of authority in Heavenly places in Jesus Christ. I have power and authority over all the powers of darkness, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against me! Now I see the complete plan. No more! No more! The time has come to take back all the


While you are speaking kind words To others and doing a good deed! While you are being a friend to Someone in need, extending a helping Hand to feed! While you are praying and interceding For others, praying for their Breakthroughs! While you are doing all of these things And even going beyond! God Himself through Jesus Christ is making intercessions For you. He is speaking kind words about You. God Himself is breaking through on Every side for you, calling you His friend. NOTE: While you are going through what seems like the worst times in your life may the Lord empower and strengthen you, to continue to sow seeds into other people's lives: so that your meal and oil will never run dry! There is an abundant harvest, it is yours to claim, if you will remain faithful in your walk with Him! While you are waiting keep holding onto His unbreakable promises! God bless you and keep you sweet, while you wait for Him! Be encouraged, and have a safe and productive day: this and every day!

BREAK FREE!!!!!!!!!

A young woman who is mother to a special needs young girl found herself struggling very hard as her daughter tried to break free! The young girl said very plainly to her mother, "Mommy let me go by myself to the candy store to get a pop-sickle" Now even the store was not far away, the mother could not bring herself to let her go. Well it just so happened that two people saw and heard this scene unfolding, intervening from where they were standing they shouted out. "You can see the building let her go! " Sure enough the mother had to let her go, only to realize that she was doing her daughter more harm than good, by not allowing her to break free on her own. In your walk (me included) with God there are some people and things you must break free from, in order to soar to your divine destiny. Men of God there are some women from your past you must break free from let them go! You too Anointed women of God, you have some men from your past it is time to break free from


Life is a journey into the unknown, yet if you will remain faithful in your walk with God. He will give to you with each new day strength to go a little further. Yes, there will be some days when you will feel the weight, and not only your back may hurt, but your whole body maybe ravished with pain. Yet in your most agonizing moments He will give to you enduring strength to go a little further. May this poem bring to you comfort and inspiration, for you are not alone! Be assured Jesus walked this same way before, and He went a little further for you! My back aches..... Beginning to feel The's Heavy..just at this Moment flashes A picture of Jesus As He prayed in His Most agonizing moments.. He went a little further. Yes a little further Brought Him to the place Of total surrender to Abba Father! A little further I must go to get To that place of total Surrender...give me Oh Lord the endurance O Your strength to go A little further! Give to me humility And Your grace to st


2 Timothy 4:1-2 says " Now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy having their own conscience seared with a hot iron." It is time for the people of God to stop doing our own thing and become doers of God's word. Too long we have been giving God lip service, it's really time to stop playing Church! The time has come people of God, to be delivered from "The Seduction" For God has called you and me out of darkness into His marvelous light to live the more abundant life, through Jesus Christ. This seduction is not really a seduction of a man with a woman, no! This seduction is so subtle, it is the masturbating (stimulating) spirit in disguise deceiving you into thinking you can take care of yourself. This spirit tricks you into becoming self sufficient. You strive so hard to accomplish material wealth and to solve your own problems. No pra


I was a prisoner of my own making chained in sin. The chains that had me bound were fear and torment. Generational curses held me close, they were my bosom Buddies, anger and unforgiveness kept choking out the Light of day. Darkness filled my empty soul. I had no Will to live and tried to end it all, the Master divinely Intervened. He said, " My child come to me, I love you, I Love you, let Me take care of you." I turned to Him and Vehemently I wept, trying still to end it all. He firmly, Yet lovingly intervened, and held me close. He would not Let me go. He then kept me through the long dark nights, And took me into His presence. Giving to me His word to Feed my hungry starving soul. His presence satisfied the Parched and thirstiness of my soul! Then I got it! Yes I got it! He transformed me into His Vessel, giving to me a new perspective. He revealed to me His purpose, unveiling the treasures hidden deep within To share with others, to bring Glory and Honor to His name. Yes


Somebody got the wrong impression, you thought it was about you...all about you! In the name of Jesus the time has come and today is the day to crucify your flesh, your ego, and all of your selfish desires, "you have been trippin" so to speak. You have gotten the wrong impression yes God has chosen you and given to you many gifts but understand this, the word is speaking from 1 Cor. 6:19 saying, "For ye are brought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." Further the word is speaking reminding you from the book of Romans 6:13 saying " Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God." You have been doing your own thing too long. The gifts that God has given to you is not to merchandise the Gospel, You have gotten the wrong impression. It is not about fortu