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The Power of Influence Part Two

Recently there was an unction to pray via the telephone with my sister, who lived overseas. Afterward, she exclaimed, Margaret, that is how Mama prayed! My response was! There was only a memory of her standing at the kitchen, holding the broom, which she had made. Mama awakened before dawn. The delicious aroma of her bread filled the atmosphere, and before sunrise, Mama had completed all her household chores and was prepared to go with my grandfather into the fields to do another day of work. There must have been an exceptional special bond between us, but I was too young to understand. My sister shared Mama’s consistent, persistent, and relentless prayers. Lead to the healing hand of Jesus, to my lifeless body at three weeks old. Mama’s facial expressions had faded.  

My Mother, Margaret Gwendolyn nee Hall Spence, after accepting Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour, synchronized about preparing me for the journey. All I wanted to do was to stay on the outside, playing with the other children. However, Mother would not have it Margaret she said, get in here! You must learn how to mix and bake bread! Wash cook, and iron, ‘But Mommy! ‘Don’t Mommy me! My crying and complaining did not deter her. Little did I know, my Mother would have departed this life at the age of forty-seven years.  

The two women who nurtured and mentored my life was gone. My Mother’s death left me devastated by avoidance which, could not be filled. The very thought still brings tears to my eyes, yet something miraculous happened on June 4th of 2020. A close relative sent a picture of my grandmother first picture I had ever seen of her. Well, my heart filled with joy at the remarkable resemblance and of her mannerisms exhibited in me. Mama’s dress code was mine too! Tears flowed while remembering to hear my Mother during her prayer time. Did she sing the hymn titled, Got Any Rivers to Cross? Written by Oscar C.  Elison and owned by Alfred E. Smith. “Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through, God specializes in things thought impossible, and He can do what no other power can do. She was crying as she sang. I could not understand the lyrics nor what the song meant. Neither why my Mother cried so much while praying.  

While I sit gazing at her picture, the grief of sorrow is subsiding in this fact. They are alive in their influence on my life. They paved the way for where Abba Father has me standing victoriously through Jesus Christ. My Beloved grandmother, Mercia “Mercy” Louise Grant-Hall, and Margaret Gwendolyn nee Hall-Spence, Loving Mother, both exited my life at an early age, however. There is comfort in seeing their qualities and giftings birthed out through communion with God, through the Power of Influence!  

Wherever you are on your journey, although your heart may be aching over the loss of your loved ones, there is comfort in this blessed assurance. JEHOVAH EL ROI is the God, who sees, and absolutely nothing surprises Him. The LORD is there at this very moment with you. The God of all Comfort is working in ways you cannot imagine. Just as my heart ached and I longed to see a photograph of my grandmother, but I did not know it would bring me closer and the answers to so many questions. I encourage you never to lose sight of those intangible moments with your departed loved ones. Always appreciate their Power of Influence in your life.  

Written By: Margaret Mullings 



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